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Vivado Design Suite User
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Vivado Design Suite
UG910 (v2024.1) May 30, 2024
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AMD Adaptive Computing is creating an environment where
employees, customers, and partners feel welcome and included. To
that end, we’re removing non-inclusive language from our products
and related collateral. We’ve launched an internal initiative to remove
language that could exclude people or reinforce historical biases,
including terms embedded in our software and IPs. You may still find
examples of non-inclusive language in our older products as we work
to make these changes and align with evolving industry standards.
Follow this link for more information.
Table of Contents
Chapter 1: Vivado Design Suite Overview........................................................ 3
What is the Vivado Design Suite?..............................................................................................3
Introducing the Vivado IDE........................................................................................................4
Navigating Content by Design Process.................................................................................... 5
Chapter 2: Getting Started with the Vivado Design Suite....................... 6
Installing the Vivado Design Suite............................................................................................ 6
Launching the Vivado Design Suite.......................................................................................... 7
Chapter 3: Learning About the Vivado Design Suite................................ 12
Documentation Navigator....................................................................................................... 12
Design Hubs...............................................................................................................................13
Vivado Quick Help..................................................................................................................... 13
QuickTake Video Tutorials........................................................................................................ 14
Tool Tutorials............................................................................................................................. 15
Documentation Suite................................................................................................................ 15
Chapter 4: Learning About the UltraFast Design Methodology........ 16
UltraFast Design Methodology Guide for the Vivado Design Suite....................................16
UltraFast Design Methodology Checklist............................................................................... 17
Appendix A: Additional Resources and Legal Notices............................. 18
Finding Additional Documentation.........................................................................................18
Support Resources....................................................................................................................19
Training Resources....................................................................................................................19
Revision History.........................................................................................................................20
Please Read: Important Legal Notices................................................................................... 20
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Chapter 1
Vivado Design Suite Overview
What is the Vivado Design Suite?
The AMD Vivado™ Design Suite is designed to improve producvity. This tool suite is architected
to increase the overall producvity for designing, integrang, and implemenng systems using
AMD UltraScale™, 7 series, AMD Versal™ devices, AMD Zynq™ UltraScale+™ MPSoCs, and AMD
Zynq™ 7000 SoCs. AMD devices are now much larger and come with a variety of new
technology, including stacked silicon interconnect (SSI) technology, up to 28 gigabyte (GB) high
speed I/O interfaces, hardened microprocessors and peripherals, analog mixed signal, and more.
These larger and more complex devices create muldimensional design challenges, when handled
incorrectly, that can prevent the achievement of faster me-to-market and increased
producvity. With the Vivado Design Suite, you can accelerate design implementaon with place
and route tools that analycally opmize for mulple and concurrent design metrics, such as
ming, congeson, total wire length, ulizaon and power. The Vivado Design Suite provides you
with design analysis capabilies at each design stage. This allows for design and tool seng
modicaons earlier in the design processes where they have less overall schedule impact, thus
reducing design iteraons and accelerang producvity.
The Vivado Design Suite replaces the ISE Design Suite. It replaces all of the ISE Design Suite
point tools, such as Project Navigator, Xilinx Synthesis Technology (XST), implementaon, CORE
Generator tool, Timing Constraints Editor, ISE Simulator (Vivado simulator), Vivado, Chip Scope
Analyzer, Power Analyzer, FPGA Editor, PlanAhead design tool, and SmartXplorer. All of these
capabilies are now built directly into the and leverage a shared scalable data model. Built on the
shared scalable data model of the Vivado Design Suite, the enre design process can be executed
in memory without having to write or translate any intermediate le formats, which accelerates
runmes, debug, and implementaon while reducing memory requirements. The AMD Vis™ IDE
can be launched from Vivado. This is designed to be used for the development of embedded
soware applicaons targeted towards embedded processors.
All of the Vivado Design Suite tools are wrien with a nave tool command language (Tcl)
interface. All of the commands and opons available in the Vivado integrated design
environment (IDE), which is the graphical user interface (GUI) for the Vivado Design Suite, are
accessible through Tcl. The Vivado Design Suite also provides powerful access to the design data
for reporng and conguraon as well as the tool commands and opons.
You can interact with the Vivado Design Suite using:
Chapter 1: Vivado Design Suite Overview
UG910 (v2024.1) May 30, 2024
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• GUI-based commands in the Vivado IDE
• Tcl commands entered in the Tcl Console in the Vivado IDE, in the Vivado Design Suite Tcl
shell outside the Vivado IDE, or saved to a Tcl script le that is run either in the Vivado IDE or
in the Vivado Design Suite Tcl shell
• A mix of GUI-based and Tcl commands
A Tcl script can contain Tcl commands covering the enre design synthesis and implementaon
ow, including all necessary reports generated for design analysis at any point in the design ow.
Introducing the Vivado IDE
Note: The Vivado Design Suite and the ISE Design Suite, which contains the PlanAhead tool, must be
installed separately. For more informaon, see the Vivado Design Suite User Guide: Release Notes, Installaon,
and Licensing (UG973) and Xilinx ISE Design Suite 14: Release Notes, Installaon, and Licensing (UG631).
The Vivado IDE provides new users with an intuive interface and gives advanced users the
power they require. All of the tools and tool sengs are wrien in nave Tcl. You can run
analysis and assign constraints throughout the design process. For example, the tools can provide
ming or power esmaons aer synthesis, placement, or roung. Because the database is
accessible through Tcl, you can make changes to constraints, design conguraon, or tool
sengs in real me, oen without forcing re-implementaon.
The Vivado IDE introduces the concept of opening designs in memory. Opening a design
eecvely loads the design netlist at that parcular stage of the design ow, assigns the
constraints to the design, and applies the design to the target device. This allows you to visualize
and interact with the design at each design stage. The Vivado IDE enables you to open designs
aer register-transfer level (RTL) elaboraon, synthesis, and implementaon. You can make
change to constraints, logic or device conguraon, and implementaon results. You can also use
design checkpoints to save the current state of any design. A design checkpoint is a snapshot of
the design at any stage of the design process that includes the netlist, constraints, and
implementaon results. Vivado automacally creates design checkpoints at each stage of the
ow that can be opened and analyzed.
For more informaon on the Vivado IDE, see the Vivado Design Suite User Guide: Using the Vivado
IDE (UG893). For more informaon on analyzing designs, see the Vivado Design Suite User Guide:
Design Analysis and Closure Techniques (UG906).
Chapter 1: Vivado Design Suite Overview
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Navigating Content by Design Process
AMD Adapve Compung documentaon is organized around a set of standard design
processes to help you nd relevant content for your current development task. You can access
the AMD Versal™ adapve SoC design processes on the Design Hubs page. You can also use the
Design Flow Assistant to beer understand the design ows and nd content that is specic to
your intended design needs.
• Hardware, IP, and Plaorm Development: Creang the PL IP blocks for the hardware
plaorm, creang PL kernels, funconal simulaon, and evaluang the AMD Vivado™ ming,
resource use, and power closure. Also involves developing the hardware plaorm for system
• System Integraon and Validaon: Integrang and validang the system funconal
performance, including ming, resource use, and power closure.
• Board System Design: Designing a PCB through schemacs and board layout. Also involves
power, thermal, and signal integrity consideraons.
Chapter 1: Vivado Design Suite Overview
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