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主要内容概要:本技术文件详尽解释了Delta-Sigma模数转换器(ADC)的关键概念及其工作方式——过采样、噪声成形、数字滤波、和抽取过滤,并具体介绍它们的实际应用如温度测量以及4-20mA智能变送器。 适用人群:适用于电子硬件设计人员、信号处理器件开发者和技术支持人员。 使用场景及目标:帮助设计师掌握复杂理论的基础上进行实际操作和评估,从而能优化Delta-Sigma型ADC的应用方案设计;同时提供一些具体的电路设计范例,比如利用Maxim产品的高精度温度传感器设计以及基于MAX1402芯片的三线或四线电阻温度探测配置。 附加内容:提供了针对现代高集成度sigma-delta ADCs的设计考量,尤其强调低功耗、高性能和高精度在热电偶检测、RTD温度检测中的运用以及在传统电流环路中的智能化改善。
Maxim > Design Support > Technical Documents > Tutorials > A/D and D/A Conversion/Sampling Circuits > APP 1870
Maxim > Design Support > Technical Documents > Tutorials > Sensors and Sensor Interface > APP 1870
Keywords: Delta-Sigma, analog to digital converters, ADCs, A to D, A/D, oversampling, noise shaping, decimation,
decimation filters, MAX1402, thermocouple measurement, RTD, resistance temperature detectors, 4-20mA, 4-20mA
trnasmitter, 24-bit sigma delta ADC
Demystifying Delta-Sigma ADCs
Jan 31, 2003
in-depth article covers the theory behind a Delta-Sigma analog-to-digital converter (ADC). It specifically
focuses on the difficult to understand key digital concepts of over-sampling, noise shaping, and decimation filtering.
Several applications for Delta-Sigma converters are included.
Modern Sigma-delta converters offer high resolution, high integration, low power consumption, and low cost, making
them a good ADC choice for applications such as process control, precision temperature measurements, and weighing
scales. Designers often choose a classic SAR ADC instead, because they don't understand the sigma-delta types.
The analog side of a sigma-delta converter (a 1-bit ADC) is very simple. The digital side, which is what makes the
sigma-delta ADC inexpensive to produce, is more complex. It performs filtering and decimation. To understand how it
works, you must become familiar with the concepts of oversampling, noise shaping, digital filtering, and decimation.
This application note covers these topics.
First, consider the frequency-domain transfer function of a traditional multi-bit ADC with a sine-wave input signal. This
input is sampled at a frequency F
. According to Nyquist theory, F
must be at least twice the bandwidth of the input
When observing the result of an FFT analysis on the digital output, we see a single tone and lots of random noise
extending from DC to F
/2 (Figure 1). Known as quantization noise, this effect results from the following consideration:
the ADC input is a continuous signal with an infinite number of possible states, but the digital output is a discrete
function whose number of different states is determined by the converter's resolution. So, the conversion from analog
to digital loses some information and introduces some distortion into the signal. The magnitude of this error is random,
with values up to ±LSB.
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Figure 1. FFT diagram of a multi-bit ADC with a sampling frequency F
If we divide the fundamental amplitude by the RMS sum of all the frequencies representing noise, we obtain the signal
to noise ratio (SNR). For an N-bit ADC, SNR = 6.02N + 1.76dB. To improve the SNR in a conventional ADC (and
consequently the accuracy of signal reproduction) you must increase the number of bits.
Consider again the above example, but with a sampling frequency increased by the oversampling ratio k, to kF
(Figure 2). An FFT analysis shows that the noise floor has dropped. SNR is the same as before, but the noise energy
has been spread over a wider frequency range. Sigma-delta converters exploit this effect by following the 1-bit ADC
with a digital filter (Figure 3). The RMS noise is less, because most of the noise passes through the digital filter. This
action enables sigma-delta converters to achieve wide dynamic range from a low-resolution ADC.
Figure 2. FFT diagram of a multi-bit ADC with a sampling frequency kF
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Figure 3. Effect of the digital filter on the noise bandwidth.
Does the SNR improvement come simply from oversampling and filtering? Note that the SNR for a 1-bit ADC is
7.78dB (6.02 + 1.76). Each factor-of-4 oversampling increases the SNR by 6dB, and each 6dB increase is equivalent
to gaining one bit. A 1-bit ADC with 24x oversampling achieves a resolution of four bits, and to achieve 16-bit
resolution you must oversample be a factor of 4
, which is not realizable. But, sigma-delta converters overcome this
limitation with the technique of noise shaping, which enables a gain of more than 6dB for each factor of 4x
Noise Shaping
To understand noise shaping, consider the block diagram of a sigma-delta modulator of the first order (Figure 4). It
includes a difference amplifier, an integrator, and a comparator with feedback loop that contains a 1-bit DAC. (This
DAC is simply a switch that connects the negative input of the difference amplifier to a positive or a negative
reference voltage.) The purpose of the feedback DAC is to maintain the average output of the integrator near the
comparator's reference level.
Figure 4. Block diagram of a sigma-delta modulator.
The density of "ones" at the modulator output is proportional to the input signal. For an increasing input the
comparator generates a greater number of "ones," and vice versa for a decreasing input. By summing the error
voltage, the integrator acts as a lowpass filter to the input signal and a highpass filter to the quantization noise. Thus,
most of the quantization noise is pushed into higher frequencies (Figure 5). Oversampling has changed not the total
noise power, but its distribution.
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