This brain tumor dataset containing 3064 T1-weighted contrast-inhanced images
from 233 patients with three kinds of brain tumor: meningioma (708 slices),
glioma (1426 slices), and pituitary tumor (930 slices). Due to the file size
limit of repository, we split the whole dataset into 4 subsets, and achive
them in 4 .zip files with each .zip file containing 766 slices.The 5-fold
cross-validation indices are also provided.
This data is organized in matlab data format (.mat file). Each file stores a struct
containing the following fields for an image:
cjdata.label: 1 for meningioma, 2 for glioma, 3 for pituitary tumor
cjdata.PID: patient ID
cjdata.image: image data
cjdata.tumorBorder: a vector storing the coordinates of discrete points on tumor border.
For example, [x1, y1, x2, y2,...] in which x1, y1 are planar coordinates on tumor border.
It was generated by manually delineating the tumor border. So we can use it to generate
binary image of tumor mask.
cjdata.tumorMask: a binary image with 1s indicating tumor region
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脑肿瘤数据集包含3064张T1加权增强图像,233例三种脑肿瘤患者:脑膜瘤(708片),脑胶质瘤(1426片)和垂体瘤(930片) 这些数据以matlab数据格式(.mat文件)组织。每个文件存储一个结构体,包含以下图像字段: cjdata.label:1用于脑膜瘤,2用于胶质瘤,3用于垂体瘤 cjdata。PID:患者ID cjdata.image:图像数据 cjdata.tumorBorder:一个存储肿瘤边界上离散点坐标的向量。 例如,[x1,y1,x2,y2,…],其中x1,y1是肿瘤边界上的平面坐标。 它是通过手动描绘肿瘤边界生成的。所以我们可以用它来生成肿瘤掩模的二值图像。 cjdata.tomorMask:一个用1s表示肿瘤区域的二值图像
脑肿瘤 MRI 图像及其分割掩码和肿瘤类型标签、分割、目标检测 (2000个子文件)
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共 2000 条
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- 粉丝: 1w+
- 资源: 2022
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