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内容概要:本文提出了一种名为SimpleStrat的方法,用于提高大型语言模型(LLM)生成响应时的多样性。SimpleStrat采用分层抽样的方式,将解空间划分为多个层次,在推理阶段从选定的层次中采样。实验结果表明,与传统温度调节方法相比,SimpleStrat在保持生成质量的同时显著提高了多样性和覆盖范围。 适合人群:从事自然语言处理、机器学习和数据科学的研究人员和工程师,尤其是对提高语言模型生成多样性感兴趣的从业人员。 使用场景及目标:适用于需要生成多种可能答案的应用场景,如搜索规划、合成数据生成和预测不确定性估计等。SimpleStrat可以改善下游任务的性能,特别是在涉及多步推理的任务中。 其他说明:SimpleStrat不仅改进了LLM的生成多样性,还在各种基准测试中表现出了更高的召回率和更低的KL散度,验证了其有效性和鲁棒性。此外,该方法不需要额外训练,可以在现有的LLM基础上直接应用。
Justin Wong
UC Berkeley
Yury Orlovskiy
UC Berkeley
Michael Luo
UC Berkeley
Sanjit A. Seshia
UC Berkeley
Joseph E. Gonzalez
UC Berkeley
(N/S) of Missouri
(E/W) of Mississippi River
Low Temp Sampling
SimpleStrat Sampling
High Temp Sampling
New York
New York
New York
Figure 1: Stratfied Sampling vs Temperature Scaling Consider the LLM user request "Name a US
State." SimpleStrat employs auto-stratification to utilize the LLM to identify good dimensions of diversity,
for instance "East/West of the Mississippi River." Then, SimpleStrat uses stratified sampling to diversify
LLM generations.
Generating diverse responses from large language models (LLMs) is crucial for
applications such as planning/search and synthetic data generation, where diversity
provides distinct answers across generations. Prior approaches rely on increasing
temperature to increase diversity. However, contrary to popular belief, we show not
only does this approach produce lower quality individual generations as tempera-
ture increases, but it depends on model’s next-token probabilities being similar to
the true distribution of answers. We propose SimpleStrat, an alternative approach
that uses the language model itself to partition the space into strata. At inference, a
random stratum is selected and a sample drawn from within the strata. To measure
diversity, we introduce CoverageQA, a dataset of underspecified questions with
multiple equally plausible answers, and assess diversity by measuring KL Diver-
gence between the output distribution and uniform distribution over valid ground
truth answers. As computing probability per response/solution for proprietary
models is infeasible, we measure recall on ground truth solutions. Our evaluation
show using SimpleStrat achieves higher recall by 0.05 compared to GPT-4o and
0.36 average reduction in KL Divergence compared to Llama 3.
Large language models (LLMs) are routinely resampled in order to get a wide set of plausible
generations. Three key settings where this is important are: 1) improving downstream accuracy with
planning or search for agentic tasks (i.e. Tree-of-thought (Yao et al., 2024), AgentQ (Putta et al.,
2024)), 2) estimating prediction uncertainty (Aichberger et al., 2024), and 3) generating diverse
datasets for post-training (Dubey et al., 2024) and fine-tuning (Dai et al., 2023). All these use cases
rely on the model generating multiple plausible generations for the same prompt when multiple
answers exists.
arXiv:2410.09038v2 [cs.CL] 14 Oct 2024
(N/S) of Missouri
Compromise Line
(E/W) of Mississippi River
Name a US
Name a US State,
❖E of Mississippi River
❖S of Missouri Comp.
Prompt Distribution
0.34 0.34
0.18 0.14
Name a US State,
❖E of Mississippi River
❖S of Missouri Comp.
Name a US State,
❖E of Mississippi River
❖S of Missouri Comp.
Name a US State,
❖E of Mississippi River
❖S of Missouri Comp.
Heuristic Estimation Probabilistic Prompting
Figure 2: SimpleStrat workflow. SimpleStrat employs 3 phases: 1) auto-stratification to identify good
dimensions of diversity that divide the solution space into equal partitions, 2) heuristic estimation to estimate the
proportion of solutions in each stratum, and 3) probabilistic prompting where a concrete prompt is randomly
sampled from the prompt distribution specified by the previous two phases. Critically, diverse resampling comes
from both the random choice of prompt as well as the temperature of the LLM decoding.
Naively, increasing temperature, a parameter that controllably flattens an LLM’s softmax, can
improve an LLM’s generation diversity. However, temperature introduces two problems. First, higher
temperatures degrades generation quality. Recent evidence suggests removing temperature scaling
is desirable for multi-step reasoning to reduce errors compounding (Zhang et al., 2024). This is
especially critical in syntax sensitive settings like code generation where low temperatures (
≤ 0.15
are often used. Second, controlling for temperature does not necessarily improve diversity in the
answer space. In Figure 1, we illustrate increasing temperature doesn’t lead to meaningful increase
in diversity if the model is excessively confident and suffers from mode collapse. When asked to
"Name a US State," the model heavily skews towards answering "California", high temperature only
marginally softens the skew while surfacing incorrect answers and hurting instruction following.
Our goal is to improve diversity when resampling LLMs, even in cases of severe mode collapse
in next-token probabilities without manual intervention. Our analysis reveals that GPT-4 assigns
87% of its logit weight to "California" when prompted to name a US state. This observed bias
can be attributed to the worsening of calibration due to post-training as reported in the GPT-4 tech
report (OpenAI et al., 2024). This stark bias mirrors human cognitive bias, exemplified by the
blue-seven phenomenon—where individuals disproportionately select blue and seven when asked
to choose a random color and number. To counteract similar biases in human populations, social
scientists, particularly in political polling, employ stratified sampling techniques (Simpson, 1951;
Howell, 1992; Morris, 2022). We propose adapting this method to address mode collapse in LLMs.
We propose SimpleStrat, a training-free sampling approach to increase diversity. SimpleStrat improves
LLM generation diversity without degradation to generation quality while ensuring that an LLM’s
outputs are aligned with the true distribution of answers. SimpleStrat consist of three stages: auto-
stratification, heuristic estimation, and probabilistic prompting. Even if a language model cannot
generate diverse solutions, we find that it can be prompted to identify useful partitions of the solution
space based on the user request. We call this process auto-stratification. In Fig. 1, SimpleStrat
identifies two semantically significant strata from user request, "Name a US State": "(East/West) of
the Mississippi River" and "(North/South) of the Missouri Compromise Line."
Next, the heuristic estimation computes the joint probabilities across all strata. Back to Fig. 1,
SimpleStrat then outputs the probability for all four possible regions in US. Finally, SimpleStrat
samples from the joint probability distribution to augment the original user prompt with the selected
stratas. We note that this approach to diversity is orthogonal to increasing temperature and hence
does not affect generation quality.
We evaluate SimpleStrat on underspecified questions, specifically questions that have more than one
plausible answer. However, unlike ambiguous questions more widely, an answer to an underspecified
question can be easily verified to be a valid without additional context. These questions capture
settings where the user is indifferent to the particular answer as long as it’s valid or in settings where
we wish to resample to get a set of candidates solutions. We introduce CoverageQA, a benchmark of
underspecified questions with on average 28.7 equally plausible answers.
We measure diversity by computing the Kullback-Leibler (KL) Divergence from the response distri-
bution to a uniform distribution over all valid answers. By computing the response distribution using
next-token probabilities, we show SimpleStrat samples from a less biased distribution. For proprietary
models where we cannot close form express the response distribution, we measure the model’s
coverage via recall of ground-truth solutions over 100 samples. On CoverageQA, SimpleStrat leads
to 0.36 reduction in KL Divergence on average on Llama 3 models and a consistent 0.05 increase
in recall. We show gains on top of temperature scaling leading to improved diversity orthogonal to
increasing temperature.
Concretely, our work contributes the following:
CoverageQA dataset of 105 under-specified questions automatically generated from Wiki-
Data (Vrande
c & Krötzsch, 2014) annotated with on average 28.7 valid solutions per
We propose SimpleStrat a training-free approach for improving diversity with auto-
stratification and probabilistic prompting.
We demonstrate SimpleStrat improves diversity on CoverageQA with 0.36 reduction in KL
Divergence on average on Llama 3 models and a consistent 0.05 increase in recall across all
temperatures for GPT-4o.
Temperature Scaling. Going back as far as Platt scaling (Platt, 2000) and later applied to neural
networks (Hinton, 2015; Guo et al., 2017), temperature scaling controls the randomness of probability
. For dataset generation with LLMs, Chung et al. (2023) extends temperature-based
diversity by additionally downsampling previously sampled tokens. To address the decrease in quality,
they advocate for human intervention to manually filter out irrelevant diversity and manually fixing
wrong answers in QA tasks. We show in our work temperature scaling leaves much to be desired.
Improving Language Model Diversity with Search. In autoregressive generation, choices over
early tokens tend to have more impact on the eventual completion. Beam search ameliorates this
bias by allowing for multiple candidates in searching for the probability maximizing completion,
Maximum a Posteriori (MAP) Lowerre & Reddy (1976). At the end of the search, beam search will
have multiple candidate solutions encountered during search. Diverse Beam Search (DBS) proposes
introducing an auxiliary dissimilarity objective quantifying the diversity among candidates in the
beam (Vijayakumar et al., 2016). Especially on the task of image captioning, DBS shows improve-
ment for discovering higher probability completions and discovering diverse continuations. Our
improvements are orthogonal to beam search and our in-context approach corrects for inaccuracies in
the modeled likelihoods of candidate solutions.
Other approaches (Samvelyan et al., 2024; Bradley et al., 2023) based on MAP-Elites (Mouret &
Clune, 2015) require manual determined dimensions of relevant diversity and discretization of the
solution space into equally-sized bins. Diversity is then achieved by mutations and evolutionary
methods to cover adjacent bins. This search is potentially slow if the seed set of solutions do not
already provide coverage over the solutions space. Our approach does not need seed solutions and
avoids manually identifying dimensions of diversity. Instead, we rely solely on capabilities within the
In-context Methods to Increase Diversity. When LLMs were first introduced, LMs were used to
augment existing datasets with more diversity (Wei & Zou, 2019; Ng et al., 2020; Dai et al., 2023).
As natural language is difficult to guarantee correctness, the space of augmentations is conservatively
limited to thesaurus based synonym replacement. More recently, Language Model Crossover proposes
presenting a random subset of existing data points to an LLM and ask it to hallucinate more data
points that likely came from the same distribution Meyerson et al. (2023). This is limited combining
aspects of existing data points into new generations. Although these methods address the limitations
of using the model’s token probabilities by in-context learning, they are ineffective at generating
meaningful diversity. They are limited to either a human identified domains of interest or trivial
variations sourced from synonyms or minicking random subsets of the existing dataset.
Applications of Diversity. As shown by Raventós et al. (2024), dataset diversity is crucial for model
generalization. Below sufficient coverage of the desired task, the model will resort to memorization,
Use of temperature parameter goes back at least to Verhulst’s development of logistic regression in response
to Malthus’ An Essay on Principle of Population (Malthus, 1798; Verhulst, 1838).
but when sufficient diversity is presented it will learn to generalize. As LLMs are increasingly
used for generating synthetic data (Dubey et al., 2024), methods for diversity will be critical. This
insight follows from extensive work demonstrating the benefits of data augmentation for bias mit-
igation (Sharmanska et al., 2020) and domain adaptation (Huang et al., 2018; Dunlap et al., 2023;
Trabucco et al., 2023).
In code and math applications, checking validity efficiently enables more aggressive augmentations.
One such augmentation for diversifying the languages supported by the model, data is translated to
different natural or programming language (Chen et al., 2023; Cassano et al., 2023). In other domains
such as images, text-to-image models have been used to do diversify data into uncommon settings. In
the setting of diversifying an accumulating dataset, these methods can take advantage of an existing
source of variance (for translation) or set of previously generated data points. Our primary focus is
on settings where SimpleStrat is unaware of past data samples to support a wider set of applications.
Ambiguous or Underspecified Datasets. ClariQ (Aliannejadi et al., 2020), CLAQUA (Xu et al.,
2019), and AmbigQA (Min et al., 2020) focus on assessing LM’s ability to formulate clarifying
questions. These question tend to have only 2 candidate solutions, as there exists a ground truth
clarifying question whose answer fully specifies the question. Ambiguous Trivia QA (Kuhn et al.,
2022) also looks at under-specified questions, but assume a user has contextual information that’s
hidden. For instance, "Where in England was she born?" or "Who was the first woman to make a
solo flight across this ocean?". We distinguish our underspecified question setting in this paper as
one where the user is indifferent. In this setting, the given an answer it should be easy to verify the
answer is correct without additional hidden context.
Coding datasets like Description2Code (Caballero et al., 2016), Wiki2SQL (Zhong et al., 2017),
SPIDER (Yu et al., 2019), code-contest (Li et al., 2022), Apps (Hendrycks et al., 2021), and Leetcode
Hard Shinn et al. (2023) admit multiple valid answers. However, the space of valid implementations
is infinite, making diversity difficult to measure, and good coding practices enforce preferences
among valid implementations. We additionally construct CoverageQA to have an exhaustive list of
ground-truth answers in order to measure the impact of diversity on coverage.
As illustrated in 2, SimpleStrat consist of three stages, 1) auto-stratification, 2) heuristic estimation,
and 3) probabilistic prompting. For each unique user prompt, the outputs of the first two stages can
be cached to avoid recomputing feed-forwards.
For a given user request,
, we call
, the space of valid solutions. In many settings, the space of
potential solutions,
may be naturally partitioned based on geography, parity, or demographics. The
partition function,
P : S → L
, assigns any solution
to a partition label
the set of parti-
tion labels. Partition functions are most useful if they’re as balanced as possible. A balanced partition
function minimizes
imbalance(P, L) = max
(|{s | P (s) = l}|) − min
(|{s | P (s) = l}|)
The goal of auto-stratification is to search for a set of partition functions
P = {P
, P
, ..., P
, that
are balanced. Traditionally, in settings where there are oft-overlooked or a large or infinite number
of valid solutions, stratified sampling can ensure our limited budget of samples covers the space of
solutions evenly.
Based on this insight, we prompt the language model to identify promising dimensions of diversity.
Concretely, the language model proposes good clarifying questions that will potentially eliminate
half of the potential solutions based on the user request. These clarifying questions tend to align with
semantically significant differences. In the running example, when asked, "Name a US State," the
states can be partitioned based on East or West of the Mississippi River. See App. C for full prompt.
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