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Line segment detection using weighted Mean Shift procedures on a
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Line segment detection using weighted mean shift procedures on a 2D slice
sampling strategy
Article in Pattern Analysis and Applications · May 2011
DOI: 10.1007/s10044-011-0211-4 · Source: DBLP
4 authors, including:
arcos Nieto
arlos Cuevas
niversidad Politécnica de Madrid
uis Salgado
niversidad Politécnica de Madrid
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Line segment detection using weighted Mean Shift
procedures on a 2D Slice sampling strategy
Marcos Nieto · Carlos Cuevas · Luis Salgado · Narciso Garc´ıa
Received: date / Accepted: date
Abstract A new approach towards accurate line seg-
ment detection in images is introduced in this paper for
its application in real-time computer vision systems. It
has been designed to work unsupervised without any
prior knowledge of the imaged scene, hence it does not
require to tune input parameters. Although many works
have been presented about this topic, as far as we know,
none of them achieves a trade-off between accuracy and
speed as our strategy does. The reduction of the compu-
tational cost compared to other fast methods is based
on a very efficient sampling strategy that sequentially
proposes points on the image that likely belo ng to line
segments. Then, a fast line growing algorithm is applied
based on the Bresenham algorithm, which is combined
with a modified version of the Mean Shift algorithm
to provide accurate line segments while being robust
against noise. The perfor mance of this strategy is te sted
for a wide variety of images, com paring its results with
popular state of the art line segment de tection meth-
ods. The results show that our proposal outperforms
these works considering simultaneously accuracy in the
results and processing speed.
Keywords line segment · eigenvalues · real-time ·
slice sampling · Mean Shift · Bresenham algorithm
1 Introduction
Straight lines or line segments within an imaged scene
can be of great help to infer its geometric properties
Marcos Nieto, Carlos Cuevas, Luis Salgado, and Narciso Garc´ıa
Grupo de Tratamiento de Im´agenes
Universidad Polit´ecnica de Madrid
E28040 - Madrid, Spain
E-mail: {mnd, ccr, L.Salgado, narciso}@gti.ssr.upm.es
and also the projection process that converts 3D world
elements into a 2D image. Man-made environments typ-
ically contain multiple line segments oriented towards
a number of common directions (belonging to flat su r-
faces such as the gro und, doors, walls, or buildings). For
that re ason, line segments can be used as low level fea-
tures for conventional computer vision problems, such
as the detection of vanishing points [2,20], autocalibra-
tion [28], plane rectification techniques [21, 23], 3D re-
construction [22] or object tracking [30].
This paper models the problem of finding line seg-
ments in real images in a probabilistic way. An image is
considered as a set of observations I = {(x
, y
coming from a subjacent probability density function
p(x, y) that represents the probability of a pixel to be-
long to a line segm ent. One of the main contributions
of the paper is on the generation of an estimate ˆp(x, y)
of this likelihood distribution from the analysis of the
eigenvalues of the tensor matrix associated to the im-
age pixels. Besides, the real-time performance of the
proposed strategy is achieved by the use of a sequential
sampling technique that selects pixels in the image that
likely belong to line segments according to ˆp(x, y). Line
segments are obtained through the Bresenham grow-
ing algor ithm enhanced with the use of weighted Mean
Shift (wMS) procedures tha t provides accurate fits and
robustness against noise.
The target of our method is the obtention of line
segments in any kind of real images. Therefore, the re-
sults section evaluates the obtained line segments for a
wide variety of real images. Nevertheless, since one of
the major feats of our approach is its low computational
cost, its performan ce is better exploited for vision ap-
plications working on sequences of images. For ins tance,
camera autocalibration strategies base d on the compu-
tation of vanishing points in moving camera sequences
of structured environments [20,27], which require real-
time operation while accurate and meaningful line seg-
ment detections.
2 Related work
Most approaches in the related lit erature use edges ex-
tracted at pixel level from the images as basic infor-
mation. The Sobel edge detector [16] is typically used
as an ap proximation to the first order spatial deriva-
tives I
(x, y) and I
(x, y). For each pixel i at location
, y
) the module and orientation of the gradient can
also be estimated as described in [10].
Once obtained, the information of edges at pixel
level can be used in different ways to search for line
segments. Two main groups of techniques can be identi-
fied: those based on accumulation in parametric spaces,
such as methods based on the H ough transform (HT)
[1,3,10,12,17,19,31]; and pixel clustering strategies in
the image plane [6,14,15,18 ].
2.1 Hough transform
The former group basically perform s a parametric trans-
formation to the set of edge pixels, from which lines are
extracted searching for local maxima in the transform
domain. Note that the Standard HT (SHT) detects
lines, but not line segments, which require ad dressing
additional considerations for their detection, as done
in [18,35]. Some oth er works just face the problem of
finding lines, as done by [31,34,19] or recently Aggarwal
with the Regularized HT [1].
The major drawback of the works ba sed on the HT
is the excessive algorithm complexity [31,10], which
avoids its use on online applications.
Random sampling applied to the HT has been orig-
inally proposed by Xu et al. [34], and further improved
by Kiryati et al. [19] to render efficient line segment de-
tectors. A pair of edge points is selected at random to
accumulate a single vote on the transformed domain.
These approaches are the so-called “many-to-one” vot-
ing schemes, in contrast to the “o ne-to-many” corre-
sponding to th e standard HT, which dramatically en-
hances the speediness of the HT. Several variants of
the RHT have been proposed by K¨alvi¨ainen et al. [17],
which improve the sa mpling distribution by means of
a two-steps random process. W indows of fixed or also
random size are randomly selected in the image, and
the RHT is then applied to search for maxima. Walsh
and Raftery [32] proposed an importance sampling pro-
cedure to improve the random sampling used within the
The resulting line segments can be further grouped
into longer ones as done by Banderas et al. [3], which
uses Mean Shift procedures to cluster line segments in
the transform domain and obtain a single representative
for each cluster.
Nevertheless, the main problem of these approaches
is that they achieve fast results at the cost of reducing
their accuracy, giving a large number of false negatives
(missdetections due to the termination criteria), espe-
cially in very fast detectors as the PPHT (Progressive
Probabilistic HT) by Matas et al. [12]. Besides, they
require a large set of application-dependant threshold
values to be tuned to obtain adequate results. As fi-
nal remark, the need of such a number of user-defined
thresholds in this type of approaches reduces its ap-
plicability to unsupervised systems as well as making
them more prone to errors.
2.2 Pixel clustering
This group first cl uster sets of conne cted pixels in a
coarse manner according to some common property (e.g.
their orientation) and afterwards compute an estimate
for each set. The work by Burns et al. [6] has been used
as reference by further authors [18,14]. Besides, the use
of connected component analysis (CCA) was first intro-
duced in this context by Nevatia and Babu [26] and fol-
lowed by other authors [18,20]. Analogously, Yuen [35]
proposes a connected version of the HT, which selects at
random an edge pixel and then apply a one-dimensional
accumulation on the an gle pa rameter.
In this field, some of the works exploit the infor-
mation contained in the eigenvalues and vectors of the
image tensor matrix [33], as done by many others [15,
18,20]. Typically, the straightness of the group of pixels
is measured as a function on the eigenvalues (λ
, λ
However, it is not straightforward to classify a pixel,
given its ei genvalues, into these three categories. As
mentioned by Rosten et al [29], many authors have
created unbounded functions that evaluate the “cor-
nerness” of pixels by the computatio n of λ
, λ
, or
approximations to the relationship b etween eigenvalues
that skip their computation using directly the elements
of the tensor matrix, such as the well known Harris
corner function.
3 Approach overview
The proposed strategy shares some properties with meth-
ods of the two abovementioned groups, although it can
not be classified as belonging to any of them. On the one
hand, it uses a sequential sampling strategy, which is an
Sobel and
Computation of (μ
and μ
Get sample p(x,y) > μ
Slice sampler 2D
Point refinement
Iterative line growing
(Bresenham + wMS)
Update visited
Sequential samplingOperations at pixel level
Line segment generation
Fig. 1 Flow chart of the proposed strategy. The im age is processed in order to obtain the likelihood distribution ˆp(x, y) defined by
the parameters (µ
, µ
). The mea n value of ˆp(x, y), µ, is used to generate the first sample of the algorithm and start runn ing th e slice
sampler, which sequentially generates samples, z
. The last stage is the line segment generation, in which the samples are refined and
used as starting point for the iterative line growing algorithm that finally generates the line segment.
improved version of random sampling approaches based
on the HT. On the other hand, it exploits the eigen-
values and vectors information as also done by some
pixel clustering methods, although in a novel way by
the computation of the likelihood function ˆp(x, y).
The flow chart of the proposed method (which will
be denoted as SSWMS, Slice Sampling Weighted Mean
Shift), is depicted in Fig. 1. As shown, it is composed
of three main stage s: the computation of the likelihood
function, the sequential sampling and the line segment
The first step estimates the likelihood distribution
over the image I such that ˆp(x, y) is the likelihood value
of a pixel (x, y) to b elong to a line segment. This dis tri-
bution is parameterized by (µ
, µ
), which are statistics
automatically obta ined from the im age. The distribu-
tion is defined using the image tensor matrix, and their
corresponding eigenvalues. This process is guided by
the idea that pixels that belong to line segments must
satisfy two criteria: (i) they have significant gradient
magnitude; and (ii) there is only one dominant direc-
tion in their neighborhoods. These concep ts and the
associated methods are described in detail in fur ther
The sequential sampling, which is based on the slice
sampling algorithm [4,25], sequentially selects pixels in
the image, denoted as z
= (x
, y
), that are good can-
didates to belong to line segments, according to the
computed likeliho od ˆp(z
). The design of this stage en-
sures that no repeated samples are selected, so that
6= z
∀c < k. If the slice sampler proposes a sample
that has been already visite d by the algorithm, the
next sample is selected randomly satisfying ˆp(x, y) > µ,
where µ is the mean value of ˆp(x, y) computed for all
the pixels of the image.
Given a candidate pixel proposed by the sampling
technique, the process arrives to the line segment gener-
ation stage. It starts with the point refinement module,
which uses Mean Shift (MS) procedures on a multidi-
mensional space composed of the position of the pix-
els and their dominant local orientation, denoted as
= (x
, y
, θ
. The MS searches for a local maxima
on this space, i.e., it looks for the pixel in the neighbor-
hood of the candidate pixel that most likely belongs to
a line segment.
From th is local maxima, an efficient line growing
strategy, based on the Bresenham algorithm is applied
to connect pixels until the end points of the line seg-
ment are reached. This scheme is ap plied iteratively to
enhance the accuracy of the gene rated line segments.
All the pixels swept by the generated line segment are
marked as visited, and thus not available to be selected
anymore during the sequential samplin g stage.
The overall result of the strategy is that the se-
quential selection of candidates with the slice sampler
is much m ore efficient than pro cessing the whole im-
age in search for line segments (as done by mos t works
based on pixel clust ering techniques), and even than
randomly selecting points on the image without any
guiding criteria (as the works about random sampling
on th e Ho ugh domain). On the other hand, the accu-
racy on the line segment fitting process is provided by
the MS procedure that is used to refine the candidates
and generate good starting and ending points for the
growing algori thm.
For the sake of clarity in the notation, italic characters cor-
respond to scalar values while bold characters represent arrays.
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