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GEE水生和水文应用 地球引擎的全球范围和长时间序列使分析人员能够以全新和独特的方式了解水循环。其中包括洪水和河流特征形式的地表水、水量平衡的长期问题以及地下水的探测。以下教程详细介绍了如何利用重力恢复与气候实验(GRACE)的观测数据来评估一个大流域的地下水储量变化。在这里,您将学习如何应用总蓄水量异常的遥感估计值、地表模型输出和原位观测数据来分析加利福尼亚中央河谷的地下水储量变化。以下方法已被用于研究世界各地的蓄水量变化,并可用于量化主要流域的地下水蓄水量变化。
DRAFT - Author’s version.
Part A2: Aquatic
and Hydrological
Earth Engine’s global scope and long time series allow analysts to understand the water
cycle in new and unique ways. These include surface water in the form of floods and
river characteristics, long-term issues of water balance, and the detection of subsurface
ground water.
DRAFT - Author’s version.
Chapter A2.1: Groundwater Monitoring with
A.J. Purdy, J.S. Famiglietti
The following tutorial details how to use observations from the Gravity Recovery and
Climate Experiment (GRACE) to evaluate changes in groundwater storage for a large
river basin. Here, you will learn how to apply remote sensing estimates of total water
storage anomalies, land surface model output, and in situ observations to resolve
groundwater storage changes in California’s Central Valley. The following method has
been applied to study water storage changes around the world, and can be ported to
quantify groundwater storage change for major river basins.
Learning Outcomes
● Plotting changes in total water storage using GRACE.
● Mapping trends in water storage.
● Resolving changes in groundwater storage for a river basin.
● Import image collections and create image collections from assets.
● Create charts by reducing an ImageCollection with a feature geometry.
Helps if you know how to:
● Use expressions to perform calculations on image bands (Chap. F3.1).
● Write a function and map it over an ImageCollection (Chap. F4.0).
● Fit linear and nonlinear functions with regression in an ImageCollection time
series (Chap. F4.6).
● Use ee.Join to join one ImageCollection to another to compute differences
(Chap. F4.9).
● Filter a FeatureCollection to obtain a subset (Chap. F5.0, Chap. F5.1).
Introduction to Theory
Since 2002, GRACE and the follow-on mission, GRACE-FO, have provided a new
vantage to track changes in water resources (Tapley et al. 2004). GRACE holds the
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unique ability to directly track changes in total water storage anomalies (TWSa),
according to the following equation:
TWSa = CANa + SWa + SMa + SWEa + GWa (A2.1.1)
where CANa is canopy water storage anomaly, SWa is the surface water anomaly, SMa
is the soil moisture anomaly, SWEa is the snow water equivalent anomaly, and GWa is
the groundwater storage anomaly.
By utilizing supplemental observations from other remote sensing platforms and land
surface models and rearranging Eq. A2.1.1, scientists have been able to resolve
changes in groundwater storage within major river basins around the planet (Famiglietti
et al. 2014). From Bangladesh (Purdy et al. 2019) and India (Rodell et al. 2009) to the
Middle East (Voss et al. 2013) and the American Southwest (Castle et al. 2014), the
problem of declining groundwater storage has emerged with varying levels of severity
(Richey et al. 2015). Along with many other regions around the world, California shares
an overreliance on groundwater (Famiglietti et al. 2011). This tutorial demonstrates the
analytical steps to resolve groundwater storage changes using GRACE for California’s
Central Valley.
Section 1. Exploring the Study Area
If you have not already done so, you can add the book’s code repository to the Code
Editor by entering
https://code.earthengine.google.com/?accept_repo=projects/gee-edu/book (or the short
URL bit.ly/EEFA-repo) into your browser. The book’s scripts will then be available in the
script manager panel to view, run, or modify. If you have trouble finding the repo, you
can visit bit.ly/EEFA-repo-help for help.
Evaluating changes in hydrologic storage requires examining change within a
hydrologically connected system. Watersheds and basins represent areas of land where
precipitation drains to a common point. We will use already-generated basins from the
Watershed Boundary Dataset (WBD) to delineate the drainage area for California’s
Central Valley. The WBD includes hydrologic unit codes (HUCs) to identify connected
basins within the United States.
In the following sections of code, we will load three basins by their unique four-digit
HUCs and merge the basins together. To accomplish this task, we will use the
DRAFT - Author’s version.
ee.Filter.inList function to filter the basins variable by the 'huc4' property,
extracting three to a variable basin.
// Import Basins.
var basins = ee.FeatureCollection('USGS/WBD/2017/HUC04');
// Extract the 3 HUC 04 basins for the Central Valley.
var codes = ['1802', '1803', '1804'];
var basin = basins.filter(ee.Filter.inList('huc4', codes));
// Add the basin to the map to show the extent of our analysis.
Map.centerObject(basin, 6);
Map.addLayer(basin, {
color: 'green'
}, 'Central Valley Basins', true, 0.5);
Section 1.1. Map the Extent of Agriculture in the Region
To get a sense for the extent of agriculture in California, we can visualize all cultivated
land in the Central Valley. This will map where the greatest need for water occurs.
var landcover = ee.ImageCollection('USDA/NASS/CDL')
.filter(ee.Filter.date('2019-01-01', '2019-12-31'))
Map.addLayer(landcover.first().clip(basin), {}, 'Cropland', true,
The extent of cultivated lands shows up as a translucent purple (Fig. A2.1.1).
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