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# Seata: Simple Extensible Autonomous Transaction Architecture
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## What is Seata?
A **distributed transaction solution** with high performance and ease of use for **microservices** architecture.
### Distributed Transaction Problem in Microservices
Let's imagine a traditional monolithic application. Its business is built up with 3 modules. They use a single local data source.
Naturally, data consistency will be guaranteed by the local transaction.
![Monolithic App](https://img.alicdn.com/imgextra/i3/O1CN01FTtjyG1H4vvVh1sNY_!!6000000000705-0-tps-1106-678.jpg)
Things have changed in a microservices architecture. The 3 modules mentioned above are designed to be 3 services on top of 3 different data sources ([Pattern: Database per service](http://microservices.io/patterns/data/database-per-service.html)). Data consistency within every single service is naturally guaranteed by the local transaction.
**But how about the whole business logic scope?**
![Microservices Problem](https://img.alicdn.com/imgextra/i1/O1CN01DXkc3o1te9mnJcHOr_!!6000000005926-0-tps-1268-804.jpg)
### How Seata do?
Seata is just a solution to the problem mentioned above.
![Seata solution](https://img.alicdn.com/imgextra/i1/O1CN01FheliH1k5VHIRob3p_!!6000000004632-0-tps-1534-908.jpg)
Firstly, how to define a **Distributed Transaction**?
We say, a **Distributed Transaction** is a **Global Transaction** which is made up with a batch of **Branch Transaction**, and normally **Branch Transaction** is just **Local Transaction**.
![Global & Branch](https://cdn.nlark.com/lark/0/2018/png/18862/1545015454979-a18e16f6-ed41-44f1-9c7a-bd82c4d5ff99.png)
There are three roles in Seata Framework:
- **Transaction Coordinator(TC):** Maintain status of global and branch transactions, drive the global commit or rollback.
- **Transaction Manager(TM):** Define the scope of global transaction: begin a global transaction, commit or rollback a global transaction.
- **Resource Manager(RM):** Manage resources that branch transactions working on, talk to TC for registering branch transactions and reporting status of branch transactions, and drive the branch transaction commit or rollback.
A typical lifecycle of Seata managed distributed transaction:
1. TM asks TC to begin a new global transaction. TC generates an XID representing the global transaction.
2. XID is propagated through microservices' invoke chain.
3. RM registers local transaction as a branch of the corresponding global transaction of XID to TC.
4. TM asks TC for committing or rollbacking the corresponding global transaction of XID.
5. TC drives all branch transactions under the corresponding global transaction of XID to finish branch committing or rollbacking.
![Typical Process](https://cdn.nlark.com/lark/0/2018/png/18862/1545296917881-26fabeb9-71fa-4f3e-8a7a-fc317d3389f4.png)
For more details about principle and design, please go to [Seata wiki page](https://github.com/seata/seata/wiki).
### History
##### Alibaba
- **TXC**: Taobao Transaction Constructor. Alibaba middleware team started this project since 2014 to meet the distributed transaction problems caused by application architecture change from monolithic to microservices.
- **GTS**: Global Transaction Service. TXC as an Aliyun middleware product with new name GTS was published since 2016.
- **Fescar**: we started the open source project Fescar based on TXC/GTS since 2019 to work closely with the community in the future.
##### Ant Financial
- **XTS**: Extended Transaction Service. Ant Financial middleware team developed the distributed transaction middleware since 2007, which is widely used in Ant Financial and solves the problems of data consistency across databases and services.
- **DTX**: Distributed Transaction Extended. Since 2013, XTS has been published on the Ant Financial Cloud, with the name of DTX .
##### Seata Community
- **Seata** :Simple Extensible Autonomous Transaction Architecture. Ant Financial joins Fescar, which make it to be a more neutral and open community for distributed transaction, and Fescar be renamed to Seata.
## Maven dependency
## Quick Start
[Quick Start](https://seata.io/zh-cn/docs/ops/deploy-guide-beginner.html)
## Documentation
You can view the full documentation from Seata Official Website: [Seata Website page](https://seata.io/zh-cn/docs/overview/what-is-seata.html).
## Reporting bugs
Please follow the [template](https://github.com/seata/seata/blob/develop/.github/ISSUE_TEMPLATE/BUG_REPORT.md)聽for reporting any issues.
## Contributing
Contributors are welcomed to join the Seata project. Please check [CONTRIBUTING](./CONTRIBUTING.md) and[CONTRIBUTING-CN](./CONTRIBUTING_CN.md)about how to contribute to this project.
## Contact
* Mailing list:
* dev-seata@googlegroups.com , for dev/user discussion. [subscribe](mailto:dev-seata+subscribe@googlegroups.com), [unsubscribe](mailto:dev-seata+unsubscribe@googlegroups.com), [archive](https://groups.google.com/forum/#!forum/dev-seata)
<img src="https://img.alicdn.com/imgextra/i3/O1CN01FKBxyk25Ffx83dIJc_!!6000000007497-0-tps-1078-354.jpg" height="200" width="630">
## Seata ecosystem
* [Seata Website](https://github.com/seata/seata.github.io) - Seata official website
* [Seata Ecosystem Entry](https://github.com/seata) - A GitHub group `seata` to gather all Seata relevant projects
* [Seata GoLang](https://github.com/opentrx/seata-golang) - Seata GoLang client and server
* [Seata Samples](https://github.com/seata/seata-samples) - Samples for Seata
* [Seata Docker](https://github.com/seata/seata-docker) - Seata integration with docker
* [Seata K8s](https://github.com/seata/seata-k8s) - Seata integration with k8s
* [Awesome Seata](https://github.com/seata/awesome-seata) - Seata's slides and video address in meetup
## Contributors
This project exists thanks to all the people who contribute. [[Contributors](https://github.com/seata/seata/graphs/contributors)].
## License
Seata is under the Apache 2.0 license. See the聽[LICENSE](https://github.com/seata/seata/blob/master/LICENSE)聽file for details.
## Who is using
These are only part of the companies using Seata, for reference only. If you are using Seata, please [add your company
here](https://github.com/seata/seata/issues/1246) to tell us your scenario to make Seata better.
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Seata二次开发源码 (2000个子文件)
1.5.2 172B
1.5.2 41B
io.seata.server.coordinator.AbstractCore 160B
io.seata.server.coordinator.AbstractCore 160B
io.seata.rm.AbstractRMHandler 48B
io.seata.rm.AbstractRMHandler 30B
io.seata.rm.AbstractRMHandler 28B
io.seata.core.auth.AuthSigner 36B
.babelrc 846B
.babelrc 292B
seata-server.bat 4KB
run.bat 100B
NettyRemotingClientSendSyncInterceptor.class 5KB
RemotingProcessorProcessInterceptor.class 5KB
RmProperties.class 4KB
SeataProperties.class 4KB
SeataAutoConfiguration.class 4KB
SeataSagaAutoConfiguration.class 4KB
DefaultCoreDoGlobalCommitInterceptor.class 4KB
SeataSagaAutoConfiguration$SagaAsyncThreadPoolExecutorConfiguration.class 3KB
SeataTCCFenceAutoConfiguration.class 3KB
SeataClientEnvironmentPostProcessor.class 3KB
ServiceProperties.class 2KB
TmProperties.class 2KB
RemotingProcessorInstrumentation.class 2KB
AbstractNettyRemotingInstrumentation$1.class 2KB
SWSeataUtils.class 2KB
AbstractNettyRemotingInstrumentation$2.class 2KB
AbstractNettyRemotingInstrumentation.class 2KB
SpringCloudAlibabaConfiguration.class 2KB
SeataDataSourceAutoConfiguration.class 2KB
UndoProperties.class 2KB
HttpAutoConfiguration.class 2KB
DefaultCoreInstrumentation.class 2KB
RemotingProcessorInstrumentation$1.class 2KB
DefaultCoreInstrumentation$1.class 2KB
LockProperties.class 2KB
UndoCompressProperties.class 2KB
SagaAsyncThreadPoolProperties.class 1KB
LoadBalanceProperties.class 1KB
SWSeataConstants.class 1KB
SeataPluginConfig$Plugin$SEATA.class 819B
SeataPluginConfig$Plugin.class 557B
SeataPluginConfig.class 460B
mvnw.cmd 5KB
io.seata.core.compressor.Compressor 47B
io.seata.core.compressor.Compressor 43B
io.seata.core.compressor.Compressor 41B
io.seata.core.compressor.Compressor 39B
io.seata.core.compressor.Compressor 39B
io.seata.core.compressor.Compressor 37B
io.seata.core.compressor.Compressor 37B
file.conf 3KB
registry.conf 2KB
registry.conf 1KB
file.conf 1KB
registry-test.conf 1KB
registry.conf 1KB
registry.conf 1KB
file.conf 1KB
registry.conf 1KB
file.conf 736B
logstash-logback.conf 372B
logstash-kafka.conf 288B
file.conf 268B
file.conf 268B
file.conf 268B
file-test-pro.conf 267B
file-test-yaml.conf 267B
file-test.conf 267B
registry.conf 73B
registry.conf 73B
registry.conf 69B
agent.config 6KB
config 295B
io.seata.config.ConfigurationProvider 60B
io.seata.config.ConfigurationProvider 50B
io.seata.config.ConfigurationProvider 50B
io.seata.config.ConfigurationProvider 50B
io.seata.config.ConfigurationProvider 50B
io.seata.config.ConfigurationProvider 49B
io.seata.config.ConfigurationProvider 48B
io.seata.config.ConfigurationProvider 47B
io.seata.core.context.ContextCore 94B
copyright 584B
main.css 1.13MB
console1412.css 153KB
console1412.css 153KB
bootstrap.css 127KB
bootstrap.css 127KB
font-awesome.css 35KB
font-awesome.css 35KB
icon.css 5KB
icon.css 5KB
io.seata.core.store.db.DataSourceProvider 139B
io.seata.core.store.db.DataSourceProvider 139B
io.seata.sqlparser.util.DbTypeParser 670B
io.seata.sqlparser.util.DbTypeParser 54B
skywalking-plugin.def 1KB
skywalking-plugin.def 1KB
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