# $Id: Messages.properties,v 1.3 2001/07/26 19:49:19 edwingo Exp $
# English diagnostic messages (and fragments) for Crimson xml parser.
# P-NNN ... parser messages
# F-NNN ... message fragments (sometimes associated with more
# than one message, but usually just with one)
# V-NNN ... validation related messages
# SPF-NNN... SAXParserFactory messages.
# Most messages can be produced in only one way.
# Generic parsing messages, not specific to validation
P-000 = No parser input source!
P-001 = Illegal character at end of document, &#x{0};.
P-002 = Expansion of entity "&{0};" is not well formed.
P-003 = Premature end of input.
P-004 = Missing whitespace {0}.
P-005 = Only whitespace allowed {0}.
# unadorned "missing whitespace", with P-004 only
F-000 = after element name declaration
F-001 = between attribute name and type
F-002 = after NOTATION type name
F-003 = between attribute type and default value
F-004 = after #FIXED
F-005 = after <!ENTITY declaration
F-006 = after % in parameter entity declaration
F-007 = after entity name
F-008 = before SYSTEM literal URI
F-009 = after PUBLIC keyword
# F-010 ... identifier can be reused
F-011 = after notation name
# F-012 ... identifier can be reused
# F-013 ... identifier can be reused
# in declaration, in "S Name", with P-004 and P-005
F-014 = before name in <!DOCTYPE declaration
F-015 = before name in <!ELEMENT declaration
F-016 = before name in <!ATTLIST declaration
F-017 = before name in <!ENTITY declaration
F-018 = before NDATA notation name in <!ENTITY declaration
F-019 = before name in <!NOTATION declaration
P-006 = Name tokens must not start with "{0}" characters.
P-007 = Value must be quoted.
P-008 = Next character must be "{0}" {1} {2}.
F-020 = terminating reference to entity
F-021 = terminating reference to parameter entity
F-022 = terminating comment
F-023 = in XML Declaration
F-024 = terminating internal DTD subset
F-025 = terminating <!DOCTYPE ...> declaration
F-026 = after attribute name
F-027 = terminating element
F-028 = starting content model for element
F-029 = starting list of attribute NOTATIONS
F-030 = beginning condition DTD subset
F-031 = terminating <!ENTITY ...> declaration
F-032 = terminating <!NOTATION ...> declaration
P-009 = Illegal character or entity reference syntax.
P-010 = Only external parameter entities may use "%{0};" in entity values.
P-011 = Illegal parameter entity reference syntax.
P-012 = Use "<" for "<" in attribute values.
P-013 = Illegal reference to external entity "&{0};" in attribute.
P-014 = Reference to undefined entity "&{0};".
P-015 = Expecting quoted value for {0}.
F-033 = PUBLIC identifier
F-034 = SYSTEM identifier
F-035 = attribute value {0}
P-016 = Illegal character in PUBLIC identifier: "{0}".
P-017 = End of entity while processing comment.
P-018 = Processing instruction target is missing.
P-019 = XML declaration may only begin entities.
P-020 = Illegal processing instruction target: "{0}".
P-021 = End of input inside processing instruction.
P-022 = Illegal processing instruction name, or missing whitespace.
P-023 = Illegal character "&#x{0};" ({1}) at end of XML Declaration.
P-024 = Expected "{0}=...".
P-025 = XML version "{0}" should be declared.
P-026 = Illegal XML version string "{0}".
P-027 = XML version "{0}" is recognized, but not "{1}".
P-028 = Internal DTD subset must not have "<![..." constructs.
P-029 = Standalone declaration must be "yes" or "no", not "{0}".
P-030 = Whitespace required before attributes.
P-031 = Attribute names must not start with "{0}" characters.
P-032 = Attribute "{0}" already appeared in this tag.
P-033 = Illegal xml:lang value "{0}".
P-034 = Expected "</{0}>" to terminate element starting on line {1}.
P-035 = End of entity not allowed; an end tag is missing.
P-036 = ">" must terminate <!ELEMENT {0} ...> declaration, not "{1}".
P-037 = Sequence content model must not contain "{0}".
P-038 = Choice content model must not contain "{0}".
P-039 = No content model may contain "{0}".
P-040 = Need right parenthesis or "{1}" in content model, not "{0}".
P-041 = Need right parenthesis, ",", or "|" in content model, not "{0}".
P-042 = Illegal mixed content model for "{0}", next char = &#x{1};.
P-043 = Mixed content model for "{0}" must end with ")*", not "{1}".
P-044 = Either an attribute declaration or ">" is expected, not "{0}".
P-045 = Illegal type (starts with "{1}") for attribute "{0}".
P-046 = Need keyword in conditional DTD section.
P-047 = Unterminated conditional DTD section.
P-048 = Only INCLUDE and IGNORE are allowed, not "{0}".
P-049 = Illegal decimal character reference.
P-050 = Illegal hexadecimal character reference.
P-051 = Illegal XML character &#x{0};
P-052 = Internal entity "&{0};" has characters after content.
P-053 = Unparsed entities such as "&{0};" must not be included.
P-054 = Using original entity definition for "&{0};".
P-055 = Relative URI "{0}"; can not be resolved without a base URI.
P-056 = URI "{0}" has a fragment ID.
P-057 = Need "?>" to terminate XML declaration.
P-058 = External entity "&{0};" has characters after content.
P-059 = External parameter entity "%{0};" has characters after markup.
P-060 = Illegal character "{0}" in encoding name.
P-061 = Declared encoding "{0}" does not match actual one "{1}"; \
this might not be an error.
P-062 = Notation must be PUBLIC or SYSTEM.
P-063 = Using first definition of notation "{0}".
P-064 = Premature end of parameter entity "%{0};".
P-065 = Entity Resolver did not provide SYSTEM id; may affect relative URIs.
# P-066 ... ID available
P-067 = Document root element is missing.
P-068 = Notation name is required.
P-069 = Expansion of entity "{0}" is recursive.
P-070 = Malformed second part of surrogate pair: &#x{0};.
P-071 = Illegal XML character: &#x{0};.
P-072 = Character data cannot have "]]>".
P-073 = EOF while parsing <![CDATA[ section.
P-074 = Illegal Unicode surrogate pair: &#x{0}; &#x{1};
P-075 = Unsupported encoding: "{0}" (line number may be too low).
P-076 = Character conversion error: "{0}" (line number may be too low).
P-077 = Maximum symbol length ({0} characters) exceeded.
P-078 = No messages for locale "{0}" are available.
P-079 = The content beginning "<{1}" is not legal markup. \
Perhaps the "{1}" (&#{0};) character should be a letter.
P-080 = Parameter entity references must not appear within \
markup declarations in the internal DTD subset.
P-081 = Incomplete Unicode surrogate pair: &#x{0}.
P-082 = External entity not found: "{0}".
P-083 = Illegal Namespace prefix: "{0}".
P-084 = Undeclared prefix in name: "{0}".
# Validation messages, won't normally show up unless validation is
# being performed. Note that V-022 relates to a spec bug: there
# are both a WFC and VC on undefined PEs. If that's a WVC violation
# there's no need for the VC, ever; and "standalone" would then affect
# WF-ness. For the moment this assumes it's to be a VC not a WFC.
V-000 = Validation is disabled.
V-001 = Valid documents must have a <!DOCTYPE declaration.
V-002 = This document is standalone, so it must not refer to "&{0};".
V-003 = Undeclared notation "{0}" is used by an <!ENTITY...> declaration.
V-004 = Undeclared notation "{0}" is used by an <!ATTLIST...> declaration.
V-005 = Element type "{0}" is not declared.
V-006 = Root element type is "{0}", but was declared to be "{1}".
V-007 = Attribute "{0}" is not declared for element "{1}".
V-008 = Attribute "{0}" of element "{1}" must only have value "{2}".
V-009 = Attribute value for "{0}" is #REQUIRED.
V-010 = This document is standalone, \
so attribute "{0}" must not be defaulted.
V-011 = This document is standalone, \
so element "{0}" must not have ignorable whitespace.
V-012 = Element "{0}" was already declared.
V-013 = Parameter entities must not contain partial declarations.
V-014 = Parameter entity nesting error in content model for "{0}".
V-015 = Mixed content model repeats element "{0}".
V-016 = Th
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