What is WinGup?
WinGup is a Generic Updater running under Windows environment.
The aim of WinGup is to provide a ready to use and configurable updater
which downloads a update package then installs it. By using cURL library
and TinyXml module, WinGup is capable to deal with http protocol and process XML data.
Why WinGup?
Originally WinGup was made for the need of Notepad++ (a generic source code editor under MS Windows).
During its conception, the idea came up in my mind: if it can fit Notepad++, it can fit for any Windows program.
So here it is, with LGPL license to have no (almost not) restriction for integration in any project.
How does it work?
WinGup can be launched by your program or manually. It reads from a xml configuration file
for getting the current version of your program and url where WinGup gets update information,
checks the url (with given current version) to get the update package location,
downloads the update package, then run the update package (it should be a msi or an exe) in question.
Who will need it?
Being LGPLed, WinGup can be integrated in both commercial (or close source) and open source project.
So if you run a commercial or open a source project under MS Windows and you release your program at
regular intervals, then you may need WinGup to notice your users the new update.
What do you need to use it?
A url to provide the update information to your WinGup and an another url location
to store your update package, that's it!
How is WinGup easy to use?
All you have to do is point WinGup to your url update page (by modifying gup.xml),
then work on your pointed url update page (see getDownLoadUrl.php comes with the release)
to make sure it responds to your WinGup with the correct xml data.
How to build it?
0. You have to build cURL before building WinGup:
a. Open VS2015 Native Tool Command for 32/64 bits
b. go to curl winbuild directory:
cd <your wingup source path>\curl\winbuild
c. compile cURL by using one of the following commands, according the mode and archetecture of wingup you want to build.
x64 release: nmake /f Makefile.vc mode=dll vc=14 RTLIBCFG=static MACHINE=x64
x64 debug: nmake /f Makefile.vc mode=dll vc=14 RTLIBCFG=static DEBUG=yes MACHINE=x64
x86 release: nmake /f Makefile.vc mode=dll vc=14 RTLIBCFG=static MACHINE=x86
x86 debug: nmake /f Makefile.vc mode=dll vc=14 RTLIBCFG=static DEBUG=yes MACHINE=x86
1. Open [`vcproj\GUP.sln`](https://github.com/gup4win/wingup/blob/master/vcproj/GUP.sln)
2. Build WinGup [like a normal Visual Studio project](https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/7s88b19e.aspx) with VS2015
To whom should you say "thank you"?
Don HO
没有合适的资源?快使用搜索试试~ 我知道了~
NotePad++ 安装包 (104个子文件)
libcurl.dll 474KB
NppShell_06.dll 224KB
nppPluginList.dll 179KB
NppConverter.dll 143KB
NppExport.dll 112KB
mimeTools.dll 99KB
notepad++.exe 4.77MB
npp.8.1.9.Installer.exe 3.89MB
GUP.exe 728KB
uninstall.exe 260KB
change.log 2KB
readme.txt 1KB
autoit.xml 721KB
php.xml 418KB
langs.model.xml 337KB
java.xml 201KB
DarkModeDefault.xml 171KB
Zenburn.xml 171KB
stylers.model.xml 171KB
HotFudgeSundae.xml 110KB
DansLeRuSH-Dark.xml 108KB
Solarized-light.xml 108KB
Solarized.xml 108KB
MossyLawn.xml 108KB
Navajo.xml 108KB
khaki.xml 108KB
english.xml 94KB
chineseSimplified.xml 94KB
Obsidian.xml 94KB
Plastic Code Wrap.xml 93KB
Monokai.xml 93KB
Bespin.xml 92KB
Choco.xml 91KB
Mono Industrial.xml 91KB
Twilight.xml 91KB
Black board.xml 91KB
Deep Black.xml 90KB
Hello Kitty.xml 90KB
vim Dark Blue.xml 89KB
Vibrant Ink.xml 89KB
lua.xml 88KB
Ruby Blue.xml 73KB
sql.xml 66KB
tex.xml 66KB
python.xml 60KB
cpp.xml 60KB
perl.xml 57KB
cobol.xml 46KB
c.xml 43KB
cs.xml 33KB
javascript.xml 27KB
actionscript.xml 20KB
html.xml 19KB
cpp.xml 18KB
BaanC.xml 18KB
lisp.xml 17KB
vb.xml 17KB
xml.xml 12KB
css.xml 11KB
php.xml 10KB
java.xml 9KB
baanc.xml 8KB
nsis.xml 8KB
cmake.xml 8KB
nsis.xml 7KB
overrideMap.xml 6KB
inno.xml 4KB
gup.xml 4KB
c.xml 4KB
contextMenu.xml 4KB
batch.xml 4KB
ada.xml 4KB
krl.xml 3KB
bash.xml 3KB
vhdl.xml 3KB
haskell.xml 2KB
typescript.xml 2KB
xml.xml 2KB
universe_basic.xml 2KB
fortran.xml 2KB
batch.xml 2KB
rust.xml 2KB
autoit.xml 2KB
cs.xml 2KB
cobol-free.xml 2KB
rc.xml 2KB
vhdl.xml 2KB
fortran77.xml 2KB
perl.xml 1KB
coffee.xml 1KB
powershell.xml 1KB
cobol.xml 1KB
asm.xml 1KB
sql.xml 1KB
typescript.xml 1KB
javascript.js.xml 1KB
python.xml 1KB
共 104 条
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