% ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
% function hfssRotate(fid, ObjectList, Axis, RotAngle)
% Description :
% -------------
% Creates the VB Script necessary to duplicate specified parts according to
% a mirror plane.
% Parameters :
% ------------
% fid - file identifier of the HFSS script file.
% ObjectList - a cell-array of strings that represent the objects to be
% cloned.
% Axis - axis around which Object is to be rotate.
% RotAngle - angle (in *deg*) over which the object is to be rotate. 2020,6,30参数化RotAngle!
% Note :
% ------
% If you have used this 3D modeler feature before, then you will probably
% realize that if the original object (to be cloned) has the name 'Name',
% then the cloned objects will have names 'Name1', 'Name2', ... This applies
% to the cloned boundaries and excitations also.
% Example :
% ---------
% fid = fopen('myantenna.vbs', 'wt');
% ...
% ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
% ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
% This file is part of HFSS-MATLAB-API.
% HFSS-MATLAB-API is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
% under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
% Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option)
% any later version.
% HFSS-MATLAB-API is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
% WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY
% or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
% for more details.
% You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with
% Foobar; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple
% Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
% Copyright 2008, Yueliang (yue_liang423@163.com)
% -------------------------------------------------------------------------
% ---
function hfssRotate(fid, ObjectList, Axis, RotAngle)
nObjects = length(ObjectList);
% Preamble.
fprintf(fid, '\n');
fprintf(fid, 'oEditor.Rotate _\n');
fprintf(fid, 'Array("NAME:Selections", _\n');
% Object Selections.
fprintf(fid, '"Selections:=", "');
for iObj = 1:nObjects,
fprintf(fid, '%s', ObjectList{iObj});
if (iObj ~= nObjects)
fprintf(fid, ',');
fprintf(fid, '"), _\n');
% Duplication Around Axis.
fprintf(fid, 'Array("NAME:RotateParameters", _\n');
fprintf(fid, '"RotateAxis:=", "%s", _\n', Axis);
%fprintf(fid, '"RotateAngle:=", "%fdeg") \n', RotAngle);
if isnumeric(RotAngle)
fprintf(fid, '"RotateAngle:=", "%fdeg") \n', RotAngle);
fprintf(fid, '"RotateAngle:=", "%s", _\n', RotAngle);
没有合适的资源?快使用搜索试试~ 我知道了~
HFSS-MATLAB-API工具库 (112个子文件)
microwave_patch.asv 4KB
hfssRectangle.asv 4KB
hfssDuplicateAroundAxis.asv 4KB
hfssHelix.asv 3KB
hfssConicalHorn.asv 2KB
hfssCreateRegion.asv 2KB
hfssAddOptVar.asv 1KB
temHornPoints.csv 190B
hs_err_pid4540.log 25KB
hfssCreateReport.m 8KB
temHorn.m 6KB
hfssdrawline.m 6KB
hfssdrawline1.m 5KB
hfssPolygon.m 5KB
hfssdrawline3.m 5KB
hfssBox.m 5KB
hfssPLObject.m 5KB
dipole_example.m 5KB
hfssDipole.m 5KB
hfssAssignFloquetPort.m 5KB
folded_dipole.m 5KB
hfssWireConnection.m 5KB
hfssDuplicateAlongLine.m 5KB
hfssExecuteScript.m 4KB
hfssCylinder.m 4KB
hfssCreateRegularPolygon.m 4KB
hfssdrawline2.m 4KB
hfssAssignWavePort.m 4KB
microwave_patch.m 4KB
hfssCircle.m 4KB
hfssRectangle.m 4KB
hfssCreateReport.m 4KB
hfssAssignLumpedPort.m 4KB
hfssDuplicateAroundAxis.m 4KB
hfssDuplicateMirror.m 4KB
hfssPolyline.m 4KB
hfssInterpolatingSweep_y.m 4KB
hfssFarField.m 4KB
hfssInterpolatingSweep.m 3KB
hfssHelix.m 3KB
hfssExportNetworkData.m 3KB
hfssInsertSolution.m 3KB
hfssEllipse.m 3KB
hfssMove.m 3KB
hfssAssignLengthOp.m 3KB
hfssDetachFaces.m 3KB
hfssSweepAlongVector.m 3KB
hfssCone.m 3KB
rectangularPatch.m 3KB
hfssAssignSlave.m 3KB
hfssAssignSlave_y.m 3KB
hfssEditSources.m 3KB
hfssSplit.m 3KB
hfssEquationBasedCurve.m 3KB
hfssCoaxialCable.m 3KB
hfssAssignMaster.m 3KB
hfssAssignRadiation.m 3KB
hfssRotate_y.m 3KB
hfssAssignMaster_y.m 3KB
hfssSweepAroundAxis.m 3KB
hfssInsertDesign.m 3KB
hfssAssignPE.m 3KB
hfssIntersect.m 3KB
hfssSubtract.m 3KB
hfssExportRadiationParameters.m 3KB
hfssOpenProject.m 3KB
hfssOpenProj.m 3KB
hfssSaveProject.m 3KB
hfssRotate.m 3KB
hfssSphere.m 2KB
hfssHollowCylinder.m 2KB
hfssAssignMaterial.m 2KB
hfssSetTransparency.m 2KB
hfssCircularPort.m 2KB
DuplicateAroundAxis.m 2KB
hfssAddMaterial.m 2KB
hfssUnite2.m 2KB
hfssAddMaterial.m 2KB
hfssInsertFarFieldSphereSetup.m 2KB
hfssCreateRelativeCS.m 2KB
hfssSetColor.m 2KB
hfssAddproperty.m 2KB
hfssChangeProperty.m 2KB
hfssExportToFile.m 2KB
hfssRename.m 2KB
hfssSweepAlongPath.m 2KB
hfssExportReport.m 2KB
hfssNewProject.m 2KB
hfssCoverLines.m 2KB
hfssConicalHorn.m 2KB
hfssConnect.m 2KB
hfssCreateRegion.m 2KB
hfssExportToFile.m 2KB
hfssCopy.m 2KB
hfssChangeProperty_line.m 2KB
hfssCloseActiveProject.m 2KB
hfssThickenSheet.m 2KB
hfssSolveSetup.m 2KB
hfssVariableChange.m 2KB
hfssRegion.m 1KB
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