An Introduction to Linear Algebra 2017.pdf
Linear algebra is a branch of both pure and applied mathematics. It provides the foundation for multi-dimensional representations of mathematical reason- ing. It deals with systems of linear equations, matrices, determinants, vectors and vector spaces, transformations, and eigenvalues and eigenvectors. The techniques of linear algebra are extensively used in every science where often it becomes necessary to approximate nonlinear equations by linear equations. Linear algebra also helps to find solutions for linear systems of differential and difference equations. In pure mathematics, linear algebra (particularly, vector spaces) is used in many different areas of algebra such as group theory, module theory, representation theory, ring theory, Galöis theory, and this list contin- ues. This has given linear algebra a unique place in mathematics curricula all over the world, and it is now being taught as a compulsory course at various levels in almost every institution.
- 粉丝: 1
- 资源: 7
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