import sys
import pygame
import math
import heapq
from pygame.locals import *
import threading
import time
import serial
# Adjust the size of the board and the cells
cell_size = 30
num_cells = 20
# Dictionary of Cells where a tuple (immutable set) of (x,y) coordinates
# is used as keys
cells = {}
for x in range(22):
for y in range(28):
cells[(x, y)] = {'state': None, # None, Wall, Goal, Start Are the possible states. None is walkable
'f_score': None, # f() = g() + h() This is used to determine next cell to process
# The heuristic score, We use straight-line distance:
# sqrt((x1-x0)^2 + (y1-y0)^2)
'h_score': None,
'g_score': None, # The cost to arrive to this cell, from the start cell
'parent': None} # In order to walk the found path, keep track of how we arrived to each cell
# Colors
black = (0, 0, 0) # Wall Cells
gray = (112, 128, 144) # Default Cells
bright_green = (0, 204, 102) # Start Cell
red = (255, 44, 0) # Goal Cell
orange = (255, 175, 0) # Open Cells
blue = (0, 124, 204) # Closed Cells
white = (250, 250, 250) # Not used, yet
# PyGame stuff to set up the window
size = width, height = (cell_size * num_cells) + 2, (cell_size * num_cells) + 2
screen = pygame.display.set_mode(size)
pygame.display.set_caption = ('Pathfinder')
start_placed = goal_placed = needs_refresh = step_started = False
last_wall = None
start = None
goal = None
open_list = [] # our priority queue of opened cells' f_scores
pq_dict = {}
closed_list = {} # A dictionary of closed cells
# Could be 'manhattan' or 'crow' anything else is assumed to be 'zero'
heuristic = 'manhattan'
def showBoard(screen, board):
screen.blit(board, (0, 0))
# Function to Draw the initial board.
def initBoard(board):
background = pygame.Surface(board.get_size())
background = background.convert()
# Draw Grid lines
# for i in range(0, (cell_size * num_cells) + 1)[::cell_size]:
# pygame.draw.line(background, black, (i, 0),
# (i, cell_size * num_cells), 2)
# pygame.draw.line(background, black, (0, i),
# (cell_size * num_cells, i), 2)
return background
# Function in attempt to beautify my code, nothing more.
def calc_f(node):
cells[node]['f_score'] = cells[node]['h_score'] + cells[node]['g_score']
start = 1, 19
goal = [(7, 14), (15, 5), (3, 3)]
goal_temp = goal[:]
def calc_h(node):
global heuristic
x0, y0 = node
cells[node]['h_score'] = 0
for x in goal:
x1, y1 = x[0], x[1]
cells[node]['h_score'] += (2 * abs(x1 - x0) + abs(y1 - y0)) * 10
def onBoard(node):
x, y = node
return x >= 0 and x < num_cells and y >= 0 and y < num_cells
# Return a list of adjacent orthoganal walkable cells
def orthoganals(current):
x, y = current
N = x - 1, y
E = x, y + 1
S = x + 1, y
W = x, y - 1
directions = [N, E, S, W]
return [x for x in directions if onBoard(x) and cells[x]['state'] != 'Wall' and not x in closed_list]
# Check if diag is blocked by a wall, making it unwalkable from current
def blocked_diagnol(current, diag):
x, y = current
N = x - 1, y
E = x, y + 1
S = x + 1, y
W = x, y - 1
NE = x - 1, y + 1
SE = x + 1, y + 1
SW = x + 1, y - 1
NW = x - 1, y - 1
if diag == NE:
return cells[N]['state'] == 'Wall' or cells[E]['state'] == 'Wall'
elif diag == SE:
return cells[S]['state'] == 'Wall' or cells[E]['state'] == 'Wall'
elif diag == SW:
return cells[S]['state'] == 'Wall' or cells[W]['state'] == 'Wall'
elif diag == NW:
return cells[N]['state'] == 'Wall' or cells[W]['state'] == 'Wall'
return False # Technically, you've done goofed if you arrive here.
# Update a child node with information from parent, such as g_score and
# the parent's coords
def update_child(parent, child, cost_to_travel):
cells[child]['g_score'] = cells[parent]['g_score'] + cost_to_travel
cells[child]['parent'] = parent
# Display the shortest path found
def unwind_path(coord, slow):
if cells[coord]['parent'] is not None:
left, top = coord
left = (left * cell_size) + 2
top = (top * cell_size) + 2
r = pygame.Rect(left, top, cell_size, cell_size)
pygame.draw.rect(board, white, r, 0)
if slow:
showBoard(screen, board)
unwind_path(cells[coord]['parent'], slow)
path = []
def save_path(coord, slow):
if cells[coord]['parent'] is not None:
left, top = coord
global path
save_path(cells[coord]['parent'], slow)
# Recursive function to process the current node, which is the node with
# the smallest f_score from the list of open nodes
def move(direction):
R = 1, 0
L = -1, 0
U = 0, -1
D = 0, 1
if direction == R:
return 'right'
if direction == L:
return 'left'
if direction == U:
return 'up'
if direction == D:
return 'down'
PATH = []
def processNode(coord, slow, step):
global goal, open_list, closed_list, pq_dict, board, screen, needs_refresh
if coord in goal and len(goal) > 1:
print 'find one'
elif coord in goal:
print 'find last'
goal = coord
print "Cost %d\n" % cells[goal]['g_score']
unwind_path(cells[goal]['parent'], slow)
save_path(cells[goal]['parent'], slow)
print 'fuck'
# from pprint import pprint
# pprint(path)
a, b = start
global PATH
for i, j in path:
direction = i - a, j - b
a, b = i, j
a, b = i, j
# print direction
needs_refresh = True
print PATH
if coord == goal:
print "Cost %d\n" % cells[goal]['g_score']
unwind_path(cells[goal]['parent'], slow)
needs_refresh = True
# l will be a list of walkable adjacents that we've found a new shortest
# path to
l = []
for x in orthoganals(coord):
# If x hasn't been visited before
if cells[x]['g_score'] is None:
update_child(coord, x, cost_to_travel=10)
# Else if we've found a faster route to x
elif cells[x]['g_score'] > cells[coord]['g_score'] + 10:
update_child(coord, x, cost_to_travel=10)
for x in l:
# If we found a shorter path to x
# Then we remove the old f_score from the heap and dictionary
if cells[x]['f_score'] in pq_dict:
if len(pq_dict[cells[x]['f_score']]) > 1:
# Update x with the new f and h score (technically don't need to do h
# if already calculated)
# Add f to heap and dictionary
if cells[x]['f_score'] in pq_dict:
pq_dict[cells[x]['f_score']] = [x]
if not step:
if len(open_list) == 0:
f = heapq.heappop(open_list)
if len(pq_dict[f]) > 1:
node = pq_dict[f].pop()
node = pq_dict.pop(f)[0]
closed_list[node] = True
processNode(node, slow, step)
# Start the search for the shortest path from start to goal
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