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MT4开发人员手册+[MetaTrader4+Developer+Library] 评分:

MT4开发人员手册 汇客论坛整理 外汇软件开发相关资料 MT4 开发人员手册[MetaTrader4 Developer Library] About MetaQuotes Language 4 MetaQuotes Language 4 (MQL4) is a new built-in language for programming trading strategies. This language allows to create your own Expert Advisors that render the trade process management automatic and are perfectly suitable for implementing your own trade strategies. Also, with the help of MQL4 you can create your own Custom Indicators, Scripts and Libraries of functions. A large number of functions necessary for the analysis of the current and past quotations, the basic arithmetic and logic operations are included in MQL4 structure. There are also basic indicators built in and commands of order placement and control. The MetaEditor 4 text editor that highlights different constructions of MQL4 language is used for writing the program code. It helps users to orient in the expert system text quite easily. As an information book for MQL4 language we use MetaQuotes Language Dictionary. A brief guide contains functions divided into categories, operations, reserved words, and other language constructions and allows finding the description of every element we use. Programs written in MetaQuotes Language 4 have different features and purposes: o Expert Advisors is a mechanical trade system (MTS) linked up to a certain plot. The Advisor can not only inform you about a possibility to strike bargains, but also can make deals on the trade account automatically and direct them right to the trade server. Like most trade systems, the terminal supports testing strategies on historical data with displaying on the chart the spots where trades come in and out. o Custom Indicators are an analogue of a technical indicator. In other words, Custom Indicators allow to create technical indicators in addition to those already integrated into client terminal. Like built-in indicators, they cannot make deals automatically and are aimed only at implementing analytical functions. o Scripts are programs intended for single execution of some actions. Unlike Expert Advisors, Scripts are not run tick wise and have no access to indicator functions. o Libraries are user functions libraries where frequently used blocks of user programs are stored. MT4 程序语言快速参考[MQL4 quick reference] 语法[Syntax] 汇客论坛整理 代码格式 空格建、Tab 键、换行键和换页符都可以成为代码排版的分隔符,你能使用各种符号来增加你带骂 得可读性。 注释 多行注释使用/* 作为开始到*/ 结束,在这之间不能够嵌套。单行注释使用// 作为开始到新的 一行结束,可以被嵌套到多行注释之中。 示例: // 单行注释 /* 多行 注释// 嵌套的单行注释 注释结束*/ 标识符 标识符用来给变量、函数和数据类型进行命名,长度不能超过31 一个字节 你可以使用数字0-9、拉丁字母大写A-Z 和小写a-z(大小写有区分的)还有下划线(_)。此外首字母 不可以是数字,标识符不能和保留字冲突. 示例: // NAME1 namel Total_5 Paper 保留字 下面列出的是固定的保留字。不能使用以下任何保留字进行命名。 数据类型存储类型操作符其它 bool extern break false color static case true datetime continue double default int else string for void if return switch

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