When you build an Java application project that has a main class, the IDE
automatically copies all of the JAR
files on the projects classpath to your projects dist/lib folder. The IDE
also adds each of the JAR files to the Class-Path element in the application
JAR files manifest file (MANIFEST.MF).
To run the project from the command line, go to the dist folder and
type the following:
java -jar "Chengjixitong.jar"
To distribute this project, zip up the dist folder (including the lib folder)
and distribute the ZIP file.
* If two JAR files on the project classpath have the same name, only the first
JAR file is copied to the lib folder.
* Only JAR files are copied to the lib folder.
If the classpath contains other types of files or folders, none of the
classpath elements are copied to the lib folder. In such a case,
you need to copy the classpath elements to the lib folder manually after the build.
* If a library on the projects classpath also has a Class-Path element
specified in the manifest,the content of the Class-Path element has to be on
the projects runtime path.
* To set a main class in a standard Java project, right-click the project node
in the Projects window and choose Properties. Then click Run and enter the
class name in the Main Class field. Alternatively, you can manually type the
class name in the manifest Main-Class element.
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3星 · 超过75%的资源 需积分: 35 45 下载量 147 浏览量
评论 2
收藏 1.94MB RAR 举报
学生管理系统学生管理系统学生管理系统学生管理系统学生管理系统学生管理系统 (119个子文件)
beifen 1.14MB
benf 1.14MB
RuluJFrame.class 14KB
TeaJFrame.class 12KB
MyJFrame.class 10KB
MingziJFrame.class 8KB
CazhaoJFrame.class 8KB
MainJFrame.class 7KB
SexzhaoJFrame.class 6KB
JriJFrame.class 4KB
ShuiJFrame.class 4KB
RuluJFrame$Connet.class 3KB
CheckUser.class 3KB
SyongJFrame.class 3KB
TeaJFrame$conn.class 2KB
DataBase.class 1KB
SexzhaoJFrame$1.class 779B
MingziJFrame$1.class 772B
CazhaoJFrame$1.class 772B
RuluJFrame$13.class 761B
RuluJFrame$12.class 761B
RuluJFrame$11.class 761B
RuluJFrame$10.class 760B
RuluJFrame$1.class 758B
MainJFrame$1.class 758B
RuluJFrame$6.class 758B
RuluJFrame$7.class 758B
RuluJFrame$4.class 758B
RuluJFrame$3.class 758B
RuluJFrame$8.class 758B
RuluJFrame$2.class 758B
RuluJFrame$5.class 758B
RuluJFrame$9.class 758B
TeaJFrame$10.class 754B
TeaJFrame$11.class 754B
TeaJFrame$12.class 754B
TeaJFrame$7.class 751B
TeaJFrame$3.class 751B
TeaJFrame$6.class 751B
TeaJFrame$9.class 751B
TeaJFrame$8.class 751B
TeaJFrame$1.class 751B
TeaJFrame$4.class 751B
TeaJFrame$5.class 751B
MyJFrame$5.class 744B
MyJFrame$4.class 744B
MyJFrame$1.class 744B
JriJFrame$1.class 719B
TeaJFrame$2.class 719B
MyJFrame$2.class 717B
MyJFrame$3.class 712B
MyJFrame$6.class 560B
SexzhaoJFrame$2.class 555B
CazhaoJFrame$2.class 551B
MingziJFrame$2.class 551B
SyongJFrame$1.class 547B
RuluJFrame$14.class 545B
MainJFrame$2.class 543B
ShuiJFrame$1.class 543B
TeaJFrame$13.class 541B
JriJFrame$2.class 539B
Aa.class 254B
Chengjixitong.exe 441KB
RuluJFrame.form 22KB
TeaJFrame.form 20KB
MingziJFrame.form 16KB
CazhaoJFrame.form 16KB
MainJFrame.form 15KB
MyJFrame.form 10KB
ShuiJFrame.form 6KB
SyongJFrame.form 5KB
SexzhaoJFrame.form 5KB
JriJFrame.form 4KB
11.gif 363KB
11.gif 363KB
1.gif 237KB
00.gif 2KB
Chengjixitong.jar 488KB
RuluJFrame.java 28KB
TeaJFrame.java 20KB
CazhaoJFrame.java 16KB
MingziJFrame.java 16KB
MyJFrame.java 14KB
MainJFrame.java 12KB
SexzhaoJFrame.java 5KB
ShuiJFrame.java 5KB
SyongJFrame.java 4KB
CheckUser.java 3KB
JriJFrame.java 3KB
DataBase.java 697B
Aa.java 221B
9.jpg 11KB
10.jpg 11KB
11.jpg 11KB
12.jpg 11KB
2.jpg 11KB
5.jpg 11KB
1.jpg 11KB
4.jpg 10KB
6.jpg 10KB
共 119 条
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- w2613371842012-05-16不是jsp的,数据库也没有,可以参考!
- gxclp2012-05-14功能较全,不是jsp页面,没有数据库文件。能起到参考价值,谢谢共享。
- air852216282012-12-26没数据库。。不过总体说来还是不错。
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