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HTTP The Definitive Guide http 权威指南 英文版 含书签 评分:
http权威指南的英文版,含完整书签,建议用sp4和iPad pro设备阅读
上传时间:2018-01 大小:15MB
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http 权威指南 高清 pdf版【英文版】目录
2017-10-27http 权威指南 英文版,超高清,可标注 超文本转移协议(Hypertext Transfer Protocol,HTTP)是在万维网上进行通信时所使用的协议方案。HTTP有很多应用,但最著名的是用于web浏览器和web服务器之间的双工通信。
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Nettey权威指南 第2版 高清 完整版 pdf
2018-11-07Nettey权威指南 第2版 高清 完整版 pdf,详细讲解了Nettey异步IO的使用和源码分析
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hadoop权威指南 中文版 英文版Hadoop: The Definitive Guide 带书签,无密码
2019-04-22hadoop权威指南 中文版 英文版Hadoop: The Definitive Guide 带书签,无密码---抵制无良赚钱的
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Hbase权威指南(HBase: The Definitive Guide)
2012-06-08高清英文PDF版。 如果你正在寻找一种具备可伸缩性的存储解决方案来适应几乎没有穷尽的数据的话,这本书将可以向你表明apache hbase完全能够满足你的需求。作为google bigtable架构的开源实现,hbase能够支持数以十亿计的记录数和数以百万计的字段,与此同时它还能够保证常量级的读写性能。很多it管理层正在质疑hbase。而这本书提供了很多有意义的答案,无论你是否正在评估这种非关系型数据库或者正试图立刻把它付诸实践。 ■探讨与hadoop的高度集成如何使hbase的可伸缩性变得简单 ■把大型数据集分布到相对廉价的商业服务器集群中 ■使用本地java客户端,或者通过提供了rest、avro和thrift应用编程接口的网关服务器来访问hbase ■了解hbase架构的细节,包括存储格式、预写日志、后台进程等等 ■在hbase中集成用于海量并行数据处理任务的hadoop的mapreduce框架 ■了解如何调节集群、设计模式、拷贝表、导入批量数据、删除节点以及其他更多的任务
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Netty Definitive Guide-权威指南-II
2018-09-19Netty Definitive Guide-权威指南 第2版本pdf高清文档
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HTTP The Definitive Guide
2018-08-29[英文文字版]As the title suggests, HTTP: The Definitive Guide explains the HTIP protocol: how it works and how to use it co develop web-based applications. However, this book is not just about HTIP; it's also about all the other core Internet technologies that HTIP depends on to work effectively. Although HTIP is at the center of the book, the essence of HTTP: The Definitive Guide is in understanding how the Web works and how to apply that knowledge to web programming and administration. The book explains the technical workings, motivations, performance considerations, and objectives of HTTP and the technologies around which it revolves.
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2017-09-12http英文版,作者David Gourley / Brian Totty / Marjorie Sayer 等,出版社 O'Reilly Media。副标题The Definitive Guide
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Hadoop The Definitive Guide 2nd Edition-指南英文第二版
2018-11-07《Hadoop The Definitive Guide 2nd Edition》是一本深度解析Hadoop技术的权威指南,针对的是Hadoop的第二版。这本书详细介绍了Hadoop生态系统的核心组件,包括HDFS(Hadoop分布式文件系统)、MapReduce分布式计算...
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The Definitive Guide to ARM Cortex-M3 and Cortex-M4 Processors(3rd Ed)
2018-11-06The Definitive Guide to ARM Cortex-M3 and Cortex-M4 Processors (3rd Edition) (ARM Cortex-M3与Cortex-M4权威指南(第3版),英文原版) 英文版,非扫描,可搜索文本,包含完善书签。
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HTML5 WebSocket权威指南 PDF电子书下载 带书签目录 高清完整版
2018-04-105. 握手和升级机制:WebSocket通过一个HTTP握手过程开始,它允许已有的HTTP服务器升级到WebSocket连接。 6. 标准化协议:WebSocket协议是标准化的网络通信协议,有利于开发出通用的Web应用。 以上是对HTML5和...
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JavaScript权威指南(第6版) 合集 英文文字版 中文扫描版 随书代码 zip
2019-06-20《JavaScript权威指南(第6版)》(JavaScript:The Definitive Guide 6th Edition by David Flanagan)是学习JS最权威、最新、最经典的教材之一,不用多说了。这是中文扫描版、英文文字版、和随书代码的合集。两本...
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css权威指南第四版 CSS The Definitive Guide 英文版
2017-12-12css权威指南第四版 CSS The Definitive Guide 英文版 排版佳 文字版。。。。
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DocBook:权威指南DocBook: The Definitive Guide
2019-11-15DocBook DTD的官方文档。 设计为对DocBook DTD的清晰,简洁,规范的参考。
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Wireless Networks The Definitive Guide 无线权威指南 英文版
2012-09-11Wireless Networks The Definitive Guide 无线权威指南 非常好的学习WLAN的资料 英文版 原滋原味
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2011-12-20中文名: JavaScript权威指南 (第6版) 原名: JavaScript: The Definitive Guide: Activate Your Web Pages, 6th edition 作者: David Flanagan 版本: 英文文字版-pdf/EPUB + 完整书中源代码 出版社: O'Reilly 书号: 978-0596805524 发行时间: 2011年05月10日 语言: 英文 内容简介: Since 1996, JavaScript: The Definitive Guide has been the bible for JavaScript programmers—a programmer's guide and comprehensive reference to the core language and to the client-side JavaScript APIs defined by web browsers. The 6th edition covers HTML5 and ECMAScript 5, with new chapters on jQuery and server side JavaScript. It's recommended for experienced programmers who want to learn the programming language of the Web, and for current JavaScript programmers who want to master it. 目录: Chapter 1 Introduction to JavaScript Core JavaScript Chapter 2 Lexical Structure Chapter 3 Types, Values, and Variables Chapter 4 Expressions and Operators Chapter 5 Statements Chapter 6 Objects Chapter 7 Arrays Chapter 8 Functions Chapter 9 Classes and Modules Chapter 10 Pattern Matching with Regular Expressions Chapter 11 JavaScript Subsets and Extensions Chapter 12 Server-Side JavaScript Client-Side JavaScript Chapter 13 JavaScript in Web Browsers Chapter 14 The Window Object Chapter 15 Scripting Documents Chapter 16 Scripting CSS Chapter 17 Handling Events Chapter 18 Scripted HTTP Chapter 19 The jQuery Library Chapter 20 Client-Side Storage Chapter 21 Scripted Media and Graphics Chapter 22 HTML5 APIs Core JavaScript Reference Client-Side JavaScript Reference Colophon
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2022-08-034|前言附录•B 列出了 HTTP 的响应代码,方便使用。附录•C 提供了 HTTP 首部字段的参考列表。附录•D 列出了大量的 MIME 类型,解释了 MIM
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2018-12-18Product Description Web technology has become the foundation for all sorts of critical networked applications and far-reaching methods of data exchange, and beneath it all is a fundamental protocol: HyperText Transfer Protocol, or HTTP. HTTP: The Definitive Guide documents everything that technical people need for using HTTP efficiently-including the "black arts" and "tricks of the trade"-and does so in a clear and readable manner. Written by experts with years of practical and teaching experience, this book is the definitive technical bible on HTTP and related core web technologies because it clearly explains the "why" as well as the "how". A reader can understand how web applications work, how the core Internet protocols and architectural building blocks interact, and how to correctly implement Internet clients and servers. It's an essential toolkit that no technically-inclined member of the Internet community should be without.
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iOS 应用安全 权威指南
2019-01-23iOS 应用安全 权威指南_iOS Application Security The Definitive Guide for Hackers and Developers.pdf 中文、英文 二部书:有清晰的书签,请查阅后使用正版.
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2019-02-20英文版的"The Definitive Guide to SQLite V2.pdf"则为完整的章节书签,提供了更为详尽的指导。此版可能涵盖了更最新的SQLite版本特性,例如:SQLite的扩展函数、虚拟表机制、JSON支持、 WAL模式(Write-Ahead ...