Razorart Suite by The PixFriends
Release date - February 21, 2001
The PixFriends members ______________________________________________________________________________________
Johanne Chainn� - aka Alexandrie- www.alexandrie-telecom.com
Renato C. Veras Jr. - aka treetog - www.integration-worx.com
Razorart suite Contents ___________________________________________________________________________________________
HoverDesk - by treetog
LiteStep - by Alexandrie
WinStep full pack (N/S & W/S) - by treetog
WALLPAPER - by Tech 13
Beatnik - by treetog
BoxIP - by treetog
BoxSys - by treetog
ColorPad - by treetog
EzPop - by Alexandrie
Enotes - by treetog
GreyBook - by treetog
IcqPlus - by Alexandrie
ObjectBar - by Alexandrie
Scribbles - by treetog
Sysmeter 2.03 - by Alexandrie
ThemeBar - by treetog
Windowblinds - by Alexandrie
WinAmp - by treetog
XX Calculator - by treetog
ICON PACKAGER - by treetog
Contact __________________________________________________________________________________________________
If you have any question, bug report or suggestion, please, drop us a line.