# Project : bootstrap-datetimepicker
[![Build Status](https://travis-ci.org/smalot/bootstrap-datetimepicker.png?branch=master)](https://travis-ci.org/smalot/bootstrap-datetimepicker)
[Demo page](http://www.malot.fr/bootstrap-datetimepicker/demo.php)
# Project forked
This project is a fork of [bootstrap-datepicker project](https://github.com/eternicode/bootstrap-datepicker).
# Home
As 'bootstrap-datepicker' is restricted to the date scope (day, month, year), this project aims to support too the time picking (hour, minutes).
# Screenshots
## Decade year view
![Datetimepicker decade year view](https://raw.github.com/smalot/bootstrap-datetimepicker/master/screenshot/standard_decade.png)
This view allows to select the day in the selected month.
## Year view
![Datetimepicker year view](https://raw.github.com/smalot/bootstrap-datetimepicker/master/screenshot/standard_year.png)
This view allows to select the month in the selected year.
## Month view
![Datetimepicker month view](https://raw.github.com/smalot/bootstrap-datetimepicker/master/screenshot/standard_month.png)
This view allows to select the year in a range of 10 years.
## Day view
![Datetimepicker day view](https://raw.github.com/smalot/bootstrap-datetimepicker/master/screenshot/standard_day.png)
This view allows to select the hour in the selected day.
## Hour view
![Datetimepicker hour view](https://raw.github.com/smalot/bootstrap-datetimepicker/master/screenshot/standard_hour.png)
This view allows to select the preset of minutes in the selected hour.
The range of 5 minutes (by default) has been selected to restrict buttons quantity to an acceptable value, but it can be overrided by the <code>minuteStep</code> property.
## Day view - meridian
![Datetimepicker day view meridian](https://raw.github.com/smalot/bootstrap-datetimepicker/master/screenshot/standard_day_meridian.png)
Meridian is supported in both the day and hour views.
To use it, just enable the <code>showMeridian</code> property.
## Hour view - meridian
![Datetimepicker hour view meridian](https://raw.github.com/smalot/bootstrap-datetimepicker/master/screenshot/standard_hour_meridian.png)
# Example
Attached to a field with the format specified via options:
<input type="text" value="2012-05-15 21:05" id="datetimepicker">
format: 'yyyy-mm-dd hh:ii'
Attached to a field with the format specified via markup:
<input type="text" value="2012-05-15 21:05" id="datetimepicker" data-date-format="yyyy-mm-dd hh:ii">
As component:
<div class="input-append date" id="datetimepicker" data-date="12-02-2012" data-date-format="dd-mm-yyyy">
<input size="16" type="text" value="12-02-2012" readonly>
<span class="add-on"><i class="icon-th"></i></span>
As inline datetimepicker:
<div id="datetimepicker"></div>
# Using bootstrap-datetimepicker.js
Call the datetimepicker via javascript:
## Dependencies
Requires bootstrap's dropdown component (`dropdowns.less`) for some styles, and bootstrap's sprites (`sprites.less` and associated images) for arrows.
A standalone .css file (including necessary dropdown styles and alternative, text-based arrows) can be generated by running `build/build_standalone.less` through the `lessc` compiler:
$ lessc build/build_standalone.less datetimepicker.css
## Options
All options that take a "Date" can handle a `Date` object; a String formatted according to the given `format`; or a timedelta relative to today, eg '-1d', '+6m +1y', etc, where valid units are 'd' (day), 'w' (week), 'm' (month), and 'y' (year).
You can also specify an ISO-8601 valid datetime, despite of the given `format` :
* yyyy-mm-dd
* yyyy-mm-dd hh:ii
* yyyy-mm-ddThh:ii
* yyyy-mm-dd hh:ii:ss
* yyyy-mm-ddThh:ii:ssZ
### format
String. Default: 'mm/dd/yyyy'
The date format, combination of p, P, h, hh, i, ii, s, ss, d, dd, m, mm, M, MM, yy, yyyy.
* p : meridian in lower case ('am' or 'pm') - according to locale file
* P : meridian in upper case ('AM' or 'PM') - according to locale file
* s : seconds without leading zeros
* ss : seconds, 2 digits with leading zeros
* i : minutes without leading zeros
* ii : minutes, 2 digits with leading zeros
* h : hour without leading zeros - 24-hour format
* hh : hour, 2 digits with leading zeros - 24-hour format
* H : hour without leading zeros - 12-hour format
* HH : hour, 2 digits with leading zeros - 12-hour format
* d : day of the month without leading zeros
* dd : day of the month, 2 digits with leading zeros
* m : numeric representation of month without leading zeros
* mm : numeric representation of the month, 2 digits with leading zeros
* M : short textual representation of a month, three letters
* MM : full textual representation of a month, such as January or March
* yy : two digit representation of a year
* yyyy : full numeric representation of a year, 4 digits
### weekStart
Integer. Default: 0
Day of the week start. 0 (Sunday) to 6 (Saturday)
### startDate
Date. Default: Beginning of time
The earliest date that may be selected; all earlier dates will be disabled.
### endDate
Date. Default: End of time
The latest date that may be selected; all later dates will be disabled.
### daysOfWeekDisabled
String, Array. Default: '', []
Days of the week that should be disabled. Values are 0 (Sunday) to 6 (Saturday). Multiple values should be comma-separated. Example: disable weekends: `'0,6'` or `[0,6]`.
### autoclose
Boolean. Default: false
Whether or not to close the datetimepicker immediately when a date is selected.
### startView
Number, String. Default: 2, 'month'
The view that the datetimepicker should show when it is opened.
Accepts values of :
* 0 or 'hour' for the hour view
* 1 or 'day' for the day view
* 2 or 'month' for month view (the default)
* 3 or 'year' for the 12-month overview
* 4 or 'decade' for the 10-year overview. Useful for date-of-birth datetimepickers.
### minView
Number, String. Default: 0, 'hour'
The lowest view that the datetimepicker should show.
### maxView
Number, String. Default: 4, 'decade'
The highest view that the datetimepicker should show.
### todayBtn
Boolean, "linked". Default: false
If true or "linked", displays a "Today" button at the bottom of the datetimepicker to select the current date. If true, the "Today" button will only move the current date into view; if "linked", the current date will also be selected.
### todayHighlight
Boolean. Default: false
If true, highlights the current date.
### keyboardNavigation
Boolean. Default: true
Whether or not to allow date navigation by arrow keys.
### language
String. Default: 'en'
The two-letter code of the language to use for month and day names. These will also be used as the input's value (and subsequently sent to the server in the case of form submissions). Currently ships with English ('en'), German ('de'), Brazilian ('br'), and Spanish ('es') translations, but others can be added (see I18N below). If an unknown language code is given, English will be used.
### forceParse
Boolean. Default: true
Whether or not to force parsing of the input value when the picker is closed. That is, when an invalid date is left in the input field by the user, the picker will forcibly parse that value, and set the input's value to the new, valid date, conforming to the given `format`.
### minuteStep
Number. Default: 5
The increment used to build the hour view. A button is created for each <code>minuteStep</code> minutes.
### pickerReferer : deprecated
String. Default: 'defau
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基于JSP+Servlet+Mysql的宿舍管理系统源码+数据库.zip 基于JSP+Servlet+Mysql的宿舍管理系统源码+数据库.zip基于JSP+Servlet+Mysql的宿舍管理系统源码+数据库.zip基于JSP+Servlet+Mysql的宿舍管理系统源码+数据库.zip基于JSP+Servlet+Mysql的宿舍管理系统源码+数据库.zip基于JSP+Servlet+Mysql的宿舍管理系统源码+数据库.zip基于JSP+Servlet+Mysql的宿舍管理系统源码+数据库.zip基于JSP+Servlet+Mysql的宿舍管理系统源码+数据库.zip基于JSP+Servlet+Mysql的宿舍管理系统源码+数据库.zip基于JSP+Servlet+Mysql的宿舍管理系统源码+数据库.zip基于JSP+Servlet+Mysql的宿舍管理系统源码+数据库.zip基于JSP+Servlet+Mysql的宿舍管理系统源码+数据库.zip基于JSP+Servlet+Mysql的宿舍管理系统源码+数据库.zip
基于JSP+Servlet+Mysql的宿舍管理系统源码+数据库.zip (171个子文件)
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bootstrap.css 117KB
bootstrap.min.css 104KB
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bootstrap-responsive.css 22KB
bootstrap-responsive.min.css 16KB
bootstrap-theme.css 16KB
bootstrap-theme.min.css 15KB
bootstrap-datetimepicker.css 12KB
bootstrap-datetimepicker.min.css 11KB
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.gitignore 48B
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index.html 3KB
index.html 3KB
tests.min.html 2KB
tests.html 2KB
_coverage.html 326B
StudentServlet.java 26KB
StudentServlet.java 21KB
DormManagerServlet.java 19KB
UserDAOImpl.java 18KB
UserServiceImpl.java 16KB
DormBuildServlet.java 11KB
DormBuildServiceImpl.java 7KB
EncodingFilter.java 4KB
DormBuildDAOImpl.java 4KB
User.java 4KB
LoginFilter.java 4KB
DruidUtil.java 3KB
LoginServlet.java 2KB
PasswordServlet.java 2KB
UserService.java 2KB
UserDAO.java 2KB
PreLoginServlet.java 2KB
InfoCheckServlet.java 2KB
InfoCheckServlet.java 2KB
CookieUtil.java 1KB
InfoCheckServlet.java 1KB
DormBuild.java 1KB
LogoutServlet.java 1KB
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DormBuildService.java 763B
DormBuildDAO.java 745B
ServletContextListener.java 679B
Count.java 508B
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bootstrap-datetimepicker.min.js 34KB
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bootstrap.min.js 27KB
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bootstrap-datetimepicker.uk.js 927B
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bootstrap-datetimepicker.bg.js 874B
bootstrap-datetimepicker.ua.js 874B
bootstrap-datetimepicker.rs.js 873B
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bootstrap-datetimepicker.zh-CN.js 813B
bootstrap-datetimepicker.zh-TW.js 813B
bootstrap-datetimepicker.sw.js 811B
bootstrap-datetimepicker.he.js 807B
bootstrap-datetimepicker.lt.js 805B
bootstrap-datetimepicker.cs.js 789B
bootstrap-datetimepicker.ee.js 776B
bootstrap-datetimepicker.lv.js 770B
inline.js 769B
bootstrap-datetimepicker.ko.js 765B
bootstrap-datetimepicker.is.js 747B
bootstrap-datetimepicker.pt.js 745B
bootstrap-datetimepicker.pl.js 741B
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