Qt Solutions Component: Property Browser
A property browser framework enabling the user to edit a set of
The framework provides a browser widget that displays the given
properties with labels and corresponding editing widgets (e.g.
line edits or comboboxes). The various types of editing widgets
are provided by the framework's editor factories: For each
property type, the framework provides a property manager (e.g.
QtIntPropertyManager and QtStringPropertyManager) which can be
associated with the preferred editor factory (e.g.
QtSpinBoxFactory and QtLineEditFactory). The framework also
provides a variant based property type with corresponding variant
manager and factory. Finally, the framework provides three
ready-made implementations of the browser widget:
QtTreePropertyBrowser, QtButtonPropertyBrowser and
Version history:
2.1: - QtTreePropertyBrowser - tooltip of property applied to
first column, while second column shows the value text of property
in its tooltip
- QtAbstractPropertyManager - initializeProperty() and
uninitializeProperty() without const modifier now
- QtTreePropertyBrowser and QtGroupBoxPropertyBrowser - internal
margin set to 0
- QtProperty - setEnabled() and isEnabled() methods added
- QtTreePropertyBrowser - "rootIsDecorated", "indentation" and
"headerVisible" properties added
- QtProperty - hasValue() method added, useful for group
2.2: - FocusOut event now filtered out in case of
Qt::ActiveWindowFocusReason reason. In that case editor is not
closed when its sub dialog is executed
- Removed bug in color icon generation
- Decimals attribute added to "double" property type
- PointF, SizeF and RectF types supported
- Proper translation calls for tree property browser
- QtProperty - ensure inserted subproperty is different from
"this" property
- QtBrowserItem class introduced, useful for identifying browser's
gui elements
- Possibility to control expanded state of QtTreePropertyBrowser's
items from code
- QtTreePropertyBrowser - "resizeMode" and "splitterPosition"
properties added
- QtGroupBoxPropertyBrowser - fixed crash in case of deleting the
editor factory and then deleting the manager
- "Decoration" example added - it shows how to add new
responsibilities to the existing managers and editor factories
2.3: - Various bugfixes and improvements
- QtProperty - setModified() and isModified() methods added
- QtTreePropertyBrowser - disabling an item closes its editor
- KeySequence, Char, Locale and Cursor types supported
- Support for icons in enum type added
- Kerning subproperty exposed in Font type
- New property browser class added - QtButtonPropertyBrowser with
drop down button as a grouping element
2.4: - Fixed memory leak of QtProperty
- QtTreePropertyBrowser - group items are rendered better
- QtTreePropertyBrowser - propertiesWithoutValueMarked and
alternatingRowColors features added
- QtTreePropertyBrowser - possibility of coloring properties added
- QtTreePropertyBrowser - keyboard navigation improved
- New factories providing popup dialogs added:
QtColorEditorFactory and QtFontEditorFactory
- Single step attribute added to: QtIntPropertyManager and
2.5: - "Object Controller" example added. It implements a similar
widget to the property editor in QDesigner
- Compile with QT_NO_CURSOR
- Expand root item with single click on the '+' icon
- QtRectPropertyManager and QtRectFPropertyManager - by default
constraint is null rect meaning no constraint is applied
2.6: - QtGroupPropertyBrowser - don't force the layout to show the
whole labels' contents for read only properties, show tooltips for
them in addition.
- QtTreePropertyBrowser - fixed painting of the editor for color
property type when style sheet is used (QTSOLBUG-64).
- Make it possible to change the style of the checkboxes with a
stylesheet (QTSOLBUG-61).
- Change the minimum size of a combobox so that it can show at
least one character and an icon.
- Make it possible to properly style custom embedded editors (e.g.
the color editor provided with the solution).
没有合适的资源?快使用搜索试试~ 我知道了~
QDraw - Qt QGraphicsView 绘图源码(VS2019+Qt 6.2.1) (491个子文件)
configure.bat 3KB
configure 689B
qtpropertymanager.cpp 211KB
qtcanvas.cpp 161KB
qtcanvas.cpp 161KB
qtvariantproperty.cpp 101KB
qteditorfactory.cpp 83KB
qtpropertybrowser.cpp 63KB
DrawObj.cpp 39KB
qttreepropertybrowser.cpp 35KB
QDraw.cpp 22KB
qtbuttonpropertybrowser.cpp 20KB
mainwindow.cpp 18KB
qtgroupboxpropertybrowser.cpp 17KB
qtpropertybrowserutils.cpp 15KB
mainwindow.cpp 15KB
DrawTool.cpp 15KB
objectcontroller.cpp 14KB
objectcontroller.cpp 14KB
main.cpp 11KB
DrawScene.cpp 10KB
main.cpp 10KB
Commands.cpp 10KB
main.cpp 9KB
DrawView.cpp 8KB
RuleBar.cpp 8KB
main.cpp 8KB
main.cpp 6KB
main.cpp 2KB
main.cpp 2KB
SizeHandle.cpp 2KB
main.cpp 181B
classic.css 4KB
qtpropertybrowser.dcf 46KB
opengl32sw.dll 19.95MB
opengl32sw.dll 19.68MB
Qt6Gui.dll 6.99MB
Qt5Gui.dll 6.8MB
Qt5Core.dll 6.07MB
Qt6Widgets.dll 5.62MB
Qt5Widgets.dll 5.3MB
Qt6Core.dll 5.22MB
D3Dcompiler_47.dll 3.98MB
D3Dcompiler_47.dll 3.98MB
libGLESv2.dll 3.44MB
qwindows.dll 1.4MB
qwindows.dll 760KB
qwebp.dll 508KB
qwebp.dll 505KB
qjpeg.dll 444KB
qjpeg.dll 400KB
qtiff.dll 399KB
qtiff.dll 377KB
Qt6Svg.dll 347KB
Qt5Svg.dll 328KB
qwindowsvistastyle.dll 145KB
qwindowsvistastyle.dll 139KB
qsvgicon.dll 58KB
qicns.dll 52KB
qgif.dll 45KB
qicns.dll 44KB
qico.dll 44KB
qsvgicon.dll 43KB
qico.dll 38KB
qsvg.dll 37KB
qgif.dll 37KB
qtga.dll 35KB
qwbmp.dll 34KB
qsvg.dll 32KB
qtga.dll 31KB
qwbmp.dll 29KB
libEGL.dll 24KB
.DS_Store 6KB
QDraw.exe 755KB
QDraw.exe 294KB
QDraw.exe 280KB
QDraw.vcxproj.filters 6KB
qtpropertymanager.h 27KB
qtcanvas.h 19KB
qtcanvas.h 19KB
qteditorfactory.h 16KB
qtpropertybrowser.h 11KB
DrawObj.h 11KB
qtvariantproperty.h 9KB
qtpropertybrowserutils_p.h 5KB
qttreepropertybrowser.h 5KB
mainwindow.h 4KB
mainwindow.h 4KB
Commands.h 3KB
qtbuttonpropertybrowser.h 3KB
qtgroupboxpropertybrowser.h 3KB
DrawTool.h 2KB
objectcontroller.h 2KB
objectcontroller.h 2KB
QDraw.h 2KB
DrawScene.h 2KB
DrawView.h 1KB
SizeHandle.h 869B
RuleBar.h 810B
qttreepropertybrowser-members.html 52KB
共 491 条
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