function [x_out, y_out, z_out] = surf2solid(x,y,z, S, delta)
% file: surf2solid.m, (c) Matthew Roughan, Mon Feb 14 2011
% directory: /home/mroughan/src/matlab/STL/
% created: Mon Feb 14 2011
% author: Matthew Roughan
% email:
% Convert a surface into a solid object for printing on a 3D printer
% This routine only works for surfaces defined on a rectangular
% grid. The matrices X and Y define the axis limits only.
% The assumption is that
% -- the surface is a function z(x,y)
% -- the input are given in triples (x,y, z(x,y)) similar to the matrix input option
% of surf, mesh or other similar commands
% i.e., x, and y specify regular, rectangular lattice points
% but note that this doesn't support the 1, or 2 argument versions of these commands
% and assumes that x and y are matrices, not vectors
% -- x values increase along rows
% y values along columns, e.g., as if they are the outputs of
% [x,y] = meshgrid( 1:3, 1:4 )
% The output will be a solid with height given by z at each point (x,y), and
% -- the surface z will be shifted by z_0, such that z+z_0 >= delta
% where delta is the minimum z height
% -- the (x,y) co-ordinates will be shifted so that (x+x_0, y_y_o) is "centered"
% -- the x, y, and z values will be scaled so that the largest value of
% (max(x) - min(x), (max(y)-min(y)), and 2*(max(z)-min(z))
% is such that the largest of these dimensions is size S where S in measured in mm
% (NB: matlab co-ordinates come out roughly as mm in the makerbot)
% -- the surface z(x,y)+z_0 will have vertical walls going down to the (x,y) plane,
% and the bottom surface of the object will be the part of the (x,y) plane including
% the (x,y) points of the input (suitable rescaled)
% (e.g. see what meshz does)
% NB: fair bit of code is inspired by meshz
err_id = 'surf2solid:InvalidInput';
% check inputs
if (nargin < 3)
error(err_id,'Need to input at least 3 arguments.')
if ischar(x) || ischar(y) || ischar(z)
error(err_id,'Input should not be characters.')
[m,n] = size(z);
[mx,nx] = size(x);
[my,ny] = size(y);
if (m == 1 || n == 1)
error(err_id,'Arrays must have size >1 in each direction.')
if (~isequal(size(z),size(x)) || ~isequal(size(z),size(y)))
error(err_id,'Input arrays (x,y,z) should all be the same size.')
if (~all(isfinite(z)))
error(err_id,'z must have finite values.')
if (~all(isfinite(y)))
error(err_id,'y must have finite values.')
if (~all(isfinite(x)))
error(err_id,'x must have finite values.')
if (nargin < 4)
S = 40; % make the default max length along an axis 40mm
if (S>100)
error(err_id,'S must be <= 100 due to size of build platform')
if (nargin < 5)
delta = 3; % make the default minimum height 3 mm
if (delta < 0)
error(err_id,'delta must be >=0 to build')
% scale co-ordinates
x_diff = max(max(x)) - min(min(x));
y_diff = max(max(y)) - min(min(y));
z_diff = 2*(max(max(z)) - min(min(z)));
max_diff = max([x_diff; y_diff; z_diff]);
scale_factor = S/max_diff
x_s = scale_factor * x;
y_s = scale_factor * y;
z_s = scale_factor * z;
mx_x = max(max(x_s));
mn_x = min(min(x_s));
mx_y = max(max(y_s));
mn_y = min(min(y_s));
mx_z = max(max(z_s));
mn_z = min(min(z_s));
% shift the min z co-ordinate
z = z_s + delta - mn_z;
% center the (x,y) co-ordinates
x = x_s - (mx_x + mn_x)/2;
y = y_s - (mx_y + mn_y)/2;
xmin = min(min(x));
ymin = min(min(y));
xmax = max(max(x));
ymax = max(max(y));
% create an extended Z matrix
% z_out = [[ 0 0 zeros(1,n) 0 0 ];
% [ 0 0 z(1,:) 0 0 ];
% [zeros(m,1) z(:,1) z z(:,n) zeros(m,1)];
% [ 0 0 z(m,:) 0 0 ];
% [ 0 0 zeros(1,n) 0 0 ];
% ];
z_out = [[z(1,1) z(1,:) z(1,n)];
[z(:,1) z z(:,n)];
[z(m,1) z(m,:) z(m,n)];
z_out = zero_pad(z_out, 2);
% extend the x and y arrays
d = [1 1];
mm = [m m];
nn = [n n];
x_out = [[ x(d,d) x(d,:) x(d,nn) ];
[ x(:,d) x x(:,nn) ];
[ x(mm,d) x(mm,:) x(mm,nn) ];
x_out = zero_pad(x_out, 1);
y_out = [[ y(d,d) y(d,:) y(d,nn) ];
[ y(:,d) y y(:,nn) ];
[ y(mm,d) y(mm,:) y(mm,nn) ];
y_out = zero_pad(y_out, 1);
mesh(x_out, y_out, z_out);
function B = zero_pad(A, k)
% pad zeros around entire outside of array to width k
%%% B = padarray( padarray(A, k)', k)';
[mA,nA] = size(A);
B = [[zeros(k,k) zeros(k,nA) zeros(k,k)];
[zeros(mA,k) A zeros(mA,k)];
[zeros(k,k) zeros(k,nA) zeros(k,k)];