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Pro Oracle Database 18c Administration 评分:

Database administration isn’t about passing a certified exam, or about pointing and clicking your way through a crisis. Database administration is about applying the right solution at the right time, avoiding risk, and making robust choices that get you home each night in time for dinner with your family. This book will help elevate you to the level of Professional Oracle Database Administrator. This book provides information and techniques for keeping an Oracle database stable and running on-premise, and is fully updated to cover Oracle Database 18c. New in this edition is coverage of cloud administration in the Oracle Public Cloud, automation of tasks using the autonomous database features, and data movement with multi-tenant databases. The book covers everything from architecture of the database engine, securing objects and users, strategies for performing maintenance tasks and resolving performance problems, through to backup and recovery. Pro Oracle Database 18c Administration takes a modern approach to database administration. Emphasis is given to automation, which is of growing importance as more databases are being moved into various cloud solutions and database administrators are being required to manage more instances than ever. Focus is given to multi-tenant container architecture and pluggable databases, and the book takes a refreshing, results-oriented approach that helps you get the job done. What You’ll Learn Understand the differences between managing on-premise and cloud deployments Take advantage of new features in 18c while also managing older releases Manage more databases than ever by automating your environment Apply the latest techniques around pluggable databases and containerization Safeguard your data through good security and backup/recovery practices Troubleshoot common problems 数据库管理不是通过认证考试,也不是指点和点击危机中的方式。数据库管理是关于在合适的时间应用正确的解决方案,避免风险,并做出可靠的选择,让您每晚与家人共进晚餐。本书将帮助您提升专业Oracle数据库管理员的水平。 本书提供了保持Oracle数据库稳定并在本地运行的信息和技术,并且已完全更新以涵盖Oracle Database 18c。此版本中的新增内容包括Oracle公共云中的云管理,使用自治数据库功能的任务自动化以及使用多租户数据库的数据移动。本书涵盖了从数据库引擎的体系结构,保护对象和用户,执行维护任务和解决性能问题的策略,到备份和恢复的所有内容。 Pro Oracle Database 18c管理采用现代方法进行数据库管理。重点是自动化,随着越来越多的数据库被转移到各种云解决方案中,数据库管理员需要管理比以往更多的实例,这一点越来越重要。重点关注多租户容器架构和可插拔数据库,本书采用了一种令人耳目一新的,以结果为导向的方法,帮助您完成工作。 你将学到什么 了解管理内部部署和云部署之间的差异 充分利用18c中的新功能,同时管理旧版本 通过自动化环境管理比以往更多的数据库 围绕可插拔数据库和容器化应用最新技术 通过良好的安全性和备份/恢复实践来保护您的数据 解决常见问题

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