Kubernetes in Action中文版.zip 评分:
上传时间:2019-06 大小:136.19MB
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kubernetes-in-action-2nd-edition:Kubernetes in Action第2版书中的代码
2021-05-02Kubernetes in Action,第二版 该存储库包含《 一书中的所有代码(以及一些其他文件)。 购书 该书尚未出版,但可以通过Manning抢先体验计划获得。 您可以或在购买该书。 探索代码档案 代码存档是按章组织的。 您可以通过以下链接找到文件的描述。 第一部分:第一次上船: Kubernetes简介 1)介绍Kubernetes(无代码文件) 2) 3) 第二部分:学习技巧: Kubernetes API对象 4)介绍Kubernetes API对象(无代码文件) 5) 6) 7)将 ...其他章节即将推出 贡献 如果您想贡献代码改进或错误修复,请在此GitHub存储库中提交拉取请求。 请注意,某些文件是故意不完整的,甚至可能出于演示目的而包含故意错误。
- 136.13MB
Kubernetes in Action中文版-七牛容器云团队译.zip
2019-05-13Kubernetes in Action中文版 ,七牛容器云团队译, 中文版!!!
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【经典教材】Kubernetes in Action
2018-04-19Manning经典教材《Kubernetes in Action》。true PDF版本!
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kubernetes in action
2018-01-24kubernetes in action 不可多得的实践应用指南.. ....
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Kubernetes in Action中文版.7z
2019-07-22Kubernetes in Action中文版 Kubernetes in Action中文版 Kubernetes in Action中文版
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Kubernetes.in.Action.en.pdf 实战
2018-05-21《Kubernetes in Action》是一本深入探讨 Kubernetes 的实战指南,英文版提供了全面的文字内容,适合对容器编排和云原生应用部署有兴趣的读者。Kubernetes 是一个强大的开源系统,用于自动化容器化应用程序的部署、...
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2020-01-30《Kubernetes in Action》是Manning出版社在2018年发布的一本深入介绍Kubernetes技术的专业书籍。这本书详尽地阐述了Kubernetes的核心概念、架构以及如何在实践中部署和管理容器化应用。Kubernetes(简称k8s)是...
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Kubernetes In Action(正式版)
2018-09-15Kubernetes in action 非 MEAP版本,英文版,Marko, manning, 2018 K8S 实战系列,深度和组织水准比之前国人出的 Kubernetes实战 要好 毕竟豆瓣评分9.1 https://book.douban.com/subject/26997846/
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Kubernetes in Action.zip
2019-05-10k8s in action 1 Kubernetes 介绍1 1.1 Kubernetes 系统的需求 2 1.1.1 从单体应用到微服务 2 1.1.2 为应用程序提供一个一致的环境 5 1.1.3 迈向持续交付 :DevOps 和无运维 6 1.2 介绍容器技术 7 1.2.1 什么...
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Kubernetes in Action--2018
2018-04-20Kubernetes in Action is a comprehensive guide to effectively developing and running applications in a Kubernetes environment. Before diving into Kubernetes, the book gives an overview of container technologies like Docker, including how to build containers, so that even readers who haven’t used these technologies before can get up and running.
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Kubernetes in Action
2019-04-15Kubernetes in Action teaches you to use Kubernetes to deploy container-based distributed applications. You'll start with an overview of Docker and Kubernetes before building your first Kubernetes cluster. You'll gradually expand your initial application, adding features and deepening your knowledge of Kubernetes architecture and operation. As you navigate this comprehensive guide, you'll explore high-value topics like monitoring, tuning, and scaling. Kubernetes is Greek for "helmsman," your guide through unknown waters. The Kubernetes container orchestration system safely manages the structure and flow of a distributed application, organizing containers and services for maximum efficiency. Kubernetes serves as an operating system for your clusters, eliminating the need to factor the underlying network and server infrastructure into your designs.
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2017-09-03PART 1: THE OVERVIEW 1 Introducing Kubernetes 2 First steps with Docker and Kubernetes PART 2: CORE CONCEPTS 3 Pods: running containers in Kubernetes 4 Replication & other controllers: deploying managed pods 5 Services: enabling clients to discover and talk to pods 6 Volumes: attaching disk storage to containers 7 ConfigMaps & Secrets: configuring applications 8 Accessing Pod metadata and other resources from applications 9 Deployments: updating applications declaratively 10 StatefulSets: deploying replicated stateful applications PART 3: BEYOND THE BASICS 11 Understanding Kubernetes internals 12 Securing clusters using authentication and authorization 13 Securing cluster nodes and the network 14 Managing computational resources 15 Automatic scaling of pods & cluster nodes 16 Advanced scheduling 17 Best practices for developing apps 18 Extending Kubernetes
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Kubernetes in Action中英文
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2019-08-23《Kubernetes in Action》这本书是深入理解并掌握Kubernetes(K8s)这一现代容器编排系统的宝贵资源。Kubernetes,通常简称为K8s,是Google开源的一个用于自动化容器化应用部署、扩展和管理的平台,它已经成为云计算...
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Kubernetes in Action中文版,七牛云
2019-04-24《Kubernetes in Action》中文版是由七牛云的容器团队翻译的一本专业书籍,旨在帮助运维开发人员深入了解和掌握Kubernetes这一强大的容器编排系统。Kubernetes,简称K8s,是Google开源的一个用于自动化部署、扩展和...
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JavaScript_Kubernetes in Action手册中的代码.zip
2024-05-20"Kubernetes-in-action_master.zip"可能是一个包含Kubernetes in Action一书源码或示例的仓库。这个仓库可能有多个目录和文件,每个都对应书中的一章或一个特定的概念。通过解压并探索这个文件,读者可以找到与书中...
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Kubernetes in Action 英文文字版
2019-03-28Kubernetes in Action 英文文字版 内容简介 · · · · · · Kubernetes in Action teaches you to use Kubernetes to deploy container-based distributed applications. You'll start with an overview of ...
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2018-04-13Kubernetes是由谷歌开源的Docker容器集群管理系统,为容器化的应用提供了资源调度、部署运行、服务发现、扩容、缩容等一整套功能。《Kubernetes权威指南——从Docker到Kubernetes实践全接触》从一个开发者的角度去理解、分析和解决问题,囊括了Kubernetes入门、核心原理、实战开发、运维、高级案例及源码分析等方面的内容,图文并茂、内容丰富、由浅入深、讲解全面;并围绕着生产环境中可能出现的问题,给出了大量的典型案例,比如安全问题、网络方案的选择、高可用性方案及Trouble Shooting技巧等,有很好的可借鉴性。 无论对于软件工程师、测试工程师、运维工程师、软件架构师、技术经理还是资深IT人士来说,《Kubernetes权威指南——从Docker到Kubernetes实践全接触》都极具参考价值。
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2018-04-18After working at Red Hat for a few years, in late 2014 I was assigned to a newly- established team called Cloud Enablement. Our task was to bring the company’s range of middleware products to the OpenShift Container Platform, which was then being developed on top of Kubernetes. At that time, Kubernetes was still in its infancy—version 1.0 hadn’t even been released yet. Our team had to get to know the ins and outs of Kubernetes quickly to set a proper direction for our software and take advantage of everything Kubernetes had to offer. When faced with a problem, it was hard for us to tell if we were doing things wrong or merely hitting one of the early Kubernetes bugs. Both Kubernetes and my understanding of it have come a long way since then. When I first started using it, most people hadn’t even heard of Kubernetes. Now, virtu- ally every software engineer knows about it, and it has become one of the fastest- growing and most-widely-adopted ways of running applications in both the cloud and on-premises datacenters.
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2019-06-10这个压缩包“kubernetes-in-action-master.zip”包含了书中的所有代码示例,旨在避免读者手动输入时可能出现的错误,提供了一个方便的资源库,可以直接引用和学习。 首先,我们来看看“openssl-1.0.2g.tar.gz”这个...
- 15.61MB
2021-12-22"Kubernetes in Action中文版.pdf" 以下是从给定的文件信息中生成的相关知识点: 容器编排系统 Kubernetes 是一个容器编排系统,可以帮助我们妥善地管理分布式应用的部署结构和线上流量,高效地组织容器和服务。...
- 16.77MB
Spring in Action 中文版.zip.003
2012-06-11Spring in Action 中文 pdf 完整版 共3个部分,总共69M(第三部分)
- 132.42MB
Kubernetes in Action zh.7z
2019-09-21《Kubernetes in Action》这本书是关于Kubernetes技术的深度指南,中文版的资源在这里被压缩为"Kubernetes in Action zh.7z"。Kubernetes,通常简称为K8s,是一个开源的容器编排系统,由Google设计并贡献给Cloud ...
- 253B
2022-01-221.Kubernetes-组件个招ra量 2.Kubernetes-基础念.at 3.Kubernetes-集群安装at 4.Kubernetes-室源清单rar 5、Kubernetes-资源控器at 6.Kubernetes Service.rar 7、Kubernetes-存储.a 8、Kubernetes-集群調度ral 9....