What is Pangolin
Pangolin is a lightweight portable rapid development library for managing OpenGL
display / interaction and abstracting video input. At its heart is a simple
OpenGl viewport manager which can help to modularise 3D visualisation without
adding to its complexity, and offers an advanced but intuitive 3D navigation
handler. Pangolin also provides a mechanism for manipulating program variables
through config files and ui integration, and has a flexible real-time plotter
for visualising graphical data.
The ethos of Pangolin is to reduce the boilerplate code that normally
gets written to visualise and interact with (typically image and 3D
based) systems, without compromising performance. It also enables write-once
code for a number of platforms, currently including Windows, Linux, OSX, Android
and IOS.
## Code ##
Find the latest version on [Github](http://github.com/stevenlovegrove/Pangolin):
git clone https://github.com/stevenlovegrove/Pangolin.git
## Dependencies ##
Optional dependencies are enabled when found, otherwise they are silently disabled.
Check the CMake configure output for details.
### Required Dependencies ###
* C++11
* OpenGL (Desktop / ES / ES2)
* (lin) `sudo apt install libgl1-mesa-dev`
* Glew
* (win) built automatically (assuming git is on your path)
* (deb) `sudo apt install libglew-dev`
* (mac) `sudo port install glew`
* CMake (for build environment)
* (win) http://www.cmake.org/cmake/resources/software.html
* (deb) `sudo apt install cmake`
* (mac) `sudo port install cmake`
### Recommended Dependencies ###
* Python2 / Python3, for drop-down interactive console
* (win) http://www.python.org/downloads/windows
* (deb) `sudo apt install libpython2.7-dev`
* (mac) preinstalled with osx
* (for pybind11) `git submodule init && git submodule update`
* (useful modules) `sudo python -mpip install numpy pyopengl Pillow pybind11`
* Wayland
* pkg-config: `sudo apt install pkg-config`
* Wayland and EGL:`sudo apt install libegl1-mesa-dev libwayland-dev libxkbcommon-dev wayland-protocols`
### Optional Dependencies for video input ###
* FFMPEG (For video decoding and image rescaling)
* (deb) `sudo apt install ffmpeg libavcodec-dev libavutil-dev libavformat-dev libswscale-dev libavdevice-dev`
* DC1394 (For firewire input)
* (deb) `sudo apt install libdc1394-22-dev libraw1394-dev`
* libuvc (For cross-platform webcam video input via libusb)
* git://github.com/ktossell/libuvc.git
* libjpeg, libpng, libtiff, libopenexr (For reading still-image sequences)
* (deb) `sudo apt install libjpeg-dev libpng12-dev libtiff5-dev libopenexr-dev`
* OpenNI / OpenNI2 (For Kinect / Xtrion / Primesense capture)
* DepthSense SDK
### Very Optional Dependencies ###
* Eigen / TooN (These matrix types supported in the Pangolin API.)
* CUDA Toolkit >= 3.2 (Some CUDA header-only interop utilities included)
* http://developer.nvidia.com/cuda-downloads
* Doxygen for generating html / pdf documentation.
## Building ##
Pangolin uses the CMake portable pre-build tool. To checkout and build pangolin in the
directory 'build', execute the following at a shell (or the equivelent using a GUI):
git clone https://github.com/stevenlovegrove/Pangolin.git
cd Pangolin
mkdir build
cd build
cmake ..
cmake --build .
If you would like to build the documentation and you have Doxygen installed, you
can execute:
cmake --build . --target pangolin_doc
**On Windows**, Pangolin will attempt to download and build *glew*, *libjpeg*, *libpng* and *zlib* automatically. It does so assuming that git is available on the path - this assumption may be wrong for windows users who have downloaded Pangolin via a zip file on github. You will instead need to download and compile the dependencies manually, and set the BUILD_EXTERN_(lib) options to false for these libraries. The alternate and recommended approach is to install [gitbash](https://git-scm.com/downloads) and work from within their provided console.
## Issues ##
Please visit [Github Issues](https://github.com/stevenlovegrove/Pangolin/issues) to view and report problems with Pangolin. Issues and pull requests should be raised against the master branch which contains the current development version.
Please note; most Pangolin dependencies are optional - to disable a dependency which may be causing trouble on your machine, set the BUILD_PANGOLIN_(option) variable to false with a cmake configuration tool (e.g. ccmake or cmake-gui).
## Contributions and Continuous Integration ##
For CI, Pangolin uses [travis-ci.org](https://travis-ci.org/stevenlovegrove/Pangolin) for Ubuntu, OSX and [ci.appveyor.com](https://ci.appveyor.com/project/stevenlovegrove/pangolin) for Windows.
To contribute to Pangolin, I would appreciate pull requests against the master branch. This will trigger CI builds for your changes automatically, and help me to merge with confidence.
## Binaries ##
Binaries are available for Windows x64, as output by the Windows CI server: [Appveyor Artifacts](https://ci.appveyor.com/project/stevenlovegrove/pangolin/build/artifacts).
## Bindings ##
### Python ###
Pangolin python bindings are enabled via [pybind11](www.pybind11.com). These bindings can be used both standalone and from within Pangolin's drop-down console (press the back-tick key, `).
To enable the bindings, you must checkout the pybind submodule. To use pangolin in python, it's recommend to install a few other python packages too:
sudo python -mpip install numpy pyopengl Pillow pybind11
git submodule init && git submodule update
The python module pypangolin must be on your python path, either through installation, or by setting it explicitly:
import sys
## Scheme syntax for windowing and video
Pangolin uses 'URI' syntax for modularising video drivers and windowing backends. The syntax follows along the lines of `module_name:[option1=value1,option2=value2,...]//module_resource_to_open`. Some examples for using this URI syntax with the VideoViewer tool is as follows:
VideoViewer test://
VideoViewer uvc:[size=640x480]///dev/video0
VideoViewer flip://debayer:[tile=rggb,method=downsample]//file://~/somefile.pango
Notice that for video, some modules support chaining to construct a simple filter graph. See include/pangolin/video/video.h for more examples.
For windowing, you can also customize default arguments for Pangolin applications by setting the `PANGOLIN_WINDOW_URI` environment variable. For instance, on high-DPI screens (in this example on OSX), you could set:
setenv PANGOLIN_WINDOW_URI "cocoa:[HIGHRES=true]//"
Some window parameters that may be interesting to override are `DISPLAYNAME`, `DOUBLEBUFFER`, `SAMPLE_BUFFERS`, `SAMPLES`, `HIGHRES`. Window modules currently include `x11`, `winapi`, `cocoa`.
## Acknowledgements ##
I'd like to thank the growing number of kind contributors to Pangolin for helping to make it more stable and feature rich. Many features of Pangolin have been influenced by other projects such as GFlags, GLConsole, and libcvd in particular. I'd also like to thank the FOSS projects on which Pangolin depends.
For a summary of those who have made code contributions, execute:
git shortlog -sne
没有合适的资源?快使用搜索试试~ 我知道了~
多传感器融合框架(GNSS, IMU, Camera, Lidar).zip
0 下载量 80 浏览量
收藏 11.81MB ZIP 举报
开源的多传感器融合框架(GNSS, IMU, Camera, Lidar) 测试数据:KAIST Urban DataSet (urban30 urban22) cd ~/TinyGrapeKit/app/FilterFusion/build ./RunKAISTData ~/TinyGrapeKit/app/FilterFusion/params/KAIST.yaml ~/kaist
多传感器融合框架(GNSS, IMU, Camera, Lidar).zip (780个子文件)
feature_tests.bin 12KB
feature_tests.bin 12KB
CMakeDetermineCompilerABI_CXX.bin 8KB
CMakeDetermineCompilerABI_CXX.bin 8KB
CMakeDetermineCompilerABI_C.bin 8KB
CMakeDetermineCompilerABI_C.bin 8KB
CMakeCCompilerId.c 19KB
CMakeCCompilerId.c 19KB
feature_tests.c 688B
feature_tests.c 688B
Chessboard.cc 68KB
CostFunctionFactory.cc 44KB
CataCamera.cc 25KB
ScaramuzzaCamera.cc 25KB
gpl.cc 25KB
PinholeCamera.cc 22KB
EquidistantCamera.cc 20KB
CameraCalibration.cc 16KB
intrinsic_calib.cc 8KB
Camera.cc 6KB
CameraFactory.cc 4KB
EigenQuaternionParameterization.cc 1KB
Transform.cc 1KB
app.cfg 557B
app.cfg 520B
cmake.check_cache 85B
cmake.check_cache 85B
.clang-format 95B
.clang-format 40B
AndroidUtils.cmake 10KB
Makefile.cmake 8KB
FindEigen.cmake 8KB
FindEigen.cmake 8KB
Makefile.cmake 7KB
CMakeCXXCompiler.cmake 5KB
CMakeCXXCompiler.cmake 5KB
FindPleora.cmake 4KB
FindWayland.cmake 3KB
FindFFMPEG.cmake 3KB
FindEigen.cmake 3KB
FindEigen3.cmake 3KB
cmake_install.cmake 3KB
DependInfo.cmake 2KB
CMakeCCompiler.cmake 2KB
CMakeCCompiler.cmake 2KB
FindOculus.cmake 2KB
FindOpenNI2.cmake 2KB
FindOpenNI.cmake 2KB
FindTeliCam.cmake 2KB
cmake_install.cmake 2KB
FindGLEW.cmake 1KB
PreProjectWorkarounds.cmake 1KB
FindLibRealSense2.cmake 1KB
EmbedBinaryFiles.cmake 1KB
FindLibRealSense.cmake 1KB
FindGlog.cmake 1KB
FindGlog.cmake 1KB
FindDepthSense.cmake 1KB
SetPlatformVars.cmake 1KB
DependInfo.cmake 1KB
Findpthread.cmake 1KB
Findlibusb1.cmake 1KB
FindFREEGLUT.cmake 1006B
FindROBOTVISION.cmake 994B
Findzstd.cmake 839B
FindGLUES.cmake 827B
Finduvc.cmake 825B
FindXrandr.cmake 806B
cmake_clean.cmake 767B
FindMediaFoundation.cmake 747B
FindOpenEXR.cmake 727B
FindDC1394.cmake 724B
CMakeDirectoryInformation.cmake 712B
CMakeDirectoryInformation.cmake 676B
CreateMethodCallFile.cmake 539B
FindTooN.cmake 533B
FindLz4.cmake 485B
CMakeSystem.cmake 406B
CMakeSystem.cmake 406B
cmake_clean.cmake 403B
display_wayland.cpp 37KB
plotter.cpp 36KB
display_android.cpp 35KB
firewire.cpp 31KB
ffmpeg.cpp 31KB
video.cpp 29KB
pleora.cpp 25KB
openni2.cpp 22KB
v4l.cpp 21KB
test_preintegration.cpp 21KB
depthsense.cpp 20KB
opengl_render_state.cpp 20KB
test_spline.cpp 19KB
display_win.cpp 19KB
display_x11.cpp 19KB
mirror.cpp 19KB
widgets.cpp 19KB
geometry_ply.cpp 18KB
teli.cpp 18KB
CMakeCXXCompilerId.cpp 18KB
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