# Image classification reference training scripts
This folder contains reference training scripts for image classification.
They serve as a log of how to train specific models, as provide baseline
training and evaluation scripts to quickly bootstrap research.
Except otherwise noted, all models have been trained on 8x V100 GPUs with
the following parameters:
| Parameter | value |
| ------------------------ | ------ |
| `--batch_size` | `32` |
| `--epochs` | `90` |
| `--lr` | `0.1` |
| `--momentum` | `0.9` |
| `--wd`, `--weight-decay` | `1e-4` |
| `--lr-step-size` | `30` |
| `--lr-gamma` | `0.1` |
### AlexNet and VGG
Since `AlexNet` and the original `VGG` architectures do not include batch
normalization, the default initial learning rate `--lr 0.1` is too high.
torchrun --nproc_per_node=8 train.py\
--model $MODEL --lr 1e-2
Here `$MODEL` is one of `alexnet`, `vgg11`, `vgg13`, `vgg16` or `vgg19`. Note
that `vgg11_bn`, `vgg13_bn`, `vgg16_bn`, and `vgg19_bn` include batch
normalization and thus are trained with the default parameters.
### GoogLeNet
The weights of the GoogLeNet model are ported from the original paper rather than trained from scratch.
### Inception V3
The weights of the Inception V3 model are ported from the original paper rather than trained from scratch.
Since it expects tensors with a size of N x 3 x 299 x 299, to validate the model use the following command:
torchrun --nproc_per_node=8 train.py --model inception_v3\
--test-only --weights Inception_V3_Weights.IMAGENET1K_V1
### ResNet
torchrun --nproc_per_node=8 train.py --model $MODEL
Here `$MODEL` is one of `resnet18`, `resnet34`, `resnet50`, `resnet101` or `resnet152`.
### ResNext
torchrun --nproc_per_node=8 train.py\
--model $MODEL --epochs 100
Here `$MODEL` is one of `resnext50_32x4d` or `resnext101_32x8d`.
Note that the above command corresponds to a single node with 8 GPUs. If you use
a different number of GPUs and/or a different batch size, then the learning rate
should be scaled accordingly. For example, the pretrained model provided by
`torchvision` was trained on 8 nodes, each with 8 GPUs (for a total of 64 GPUs),
with `--batch_size 16` and `--lr 0.4`, instead of the current defaults
which are respectively batch_size=32 and lr=0.1
### MobileNetV2
torchrun --nproc_per_node=8 train.py\
--model mobilenet_v2 --epochs 300 --lr 0.045 --wd 0.00004\
--lr-step-size 1 --lr-gamma 0.98
### MobileNetV3 Large & Small
torchrun --nproc_per_node=8 train.py\
--model $MODEL --epochs 600 --opt rmsprop --batch-size 128 --lr 0.064\
--wd 0.00001 --lr-step-size 2 --lr-gamma 0.973 --auto-augment imagenet --random-erase 0.2
Here `$MODEL` is one of `mobilenet_v3_large` or `mobilenet_v3_small`.
Then we averaged the parameters of the last 3 checkpoints that improved the Acc@1. See [#3182](https://github.com/pytorch/vision/pull/3182)
and [#3354](https://github.com/pytorch/vision/pull/3354) for details.
### EfficientNet-V1
The weights of the B0-B4 variants are ported from Ross Wightman's [timm repo](https://github.com/rwightman/pytorch-image-models/blob/01cb46a9a50e3ba4be167965b5764e9702f09b30/timm/models/efficientnet.py#L95-L108).
The weights of the B5-B7 variants are ported from Luke Melas' [EfficientNet-PyTorch repo](https://github.com/lukemelas/EfficientNet-PyTorch/blob/1039e009545d9329ea026c9f7541341439712b96/efficientnet_pytorch/utils.py#L562-L564).
All models were trained using Bicubic interpolation and each have custom crop and resize sizes. To validate the models use the following commands:
torchrun --nproc_per_node=8 train.py --model efficientnet_b0 --test-only --weights EfficientNet_B0_Weights.IMAGENET1K_V1
torchrun --nproc_per_node=8 train.py --model efficientnet_b1 --test-only --weights EfficientNet_B1_Weights.IMAGENET1K_V1
torchrun --nproc_per_node=8 train.py --model efficientnet_b2 --test-only --weights EfficientNet_B2_Weights.IMAGENET1K_V1
torchrun --nproc_per_node=8 train.py --model efficientnet_b3 --test-only --weights EfficientNet_B3_Weights.IMAGENET1K_V1
torchrun --nproc_per_node=8 train.py --model efficientnet_b4 --test-only --weights EfficientNet_B4_Weights.IMAGENET1K_V1
torchrun --nproc_per_node=8 train.py --model efficientnet_b5 --test-only --weights EfficientNet_B5_Weights.IMAGENET1K_V1
torchrun --nproc_per_node=8 train.py --model efficientnet_b6 --test-only --weights EfficientNet_B6_Weights.IMAGENET1K_V1
torchrun --nproc_per_node=8 train.py --model efficientnet_b7 --test-only --weights EfficientNet_B7_Weights.IMAGENET1K_V1
### EfficientNet-V2
torchrun --nproc_per_node=8 train.py \
--model $MODEL --batch-size 128 --lr 0.5 --lr-scheduler cosineannealinglr \
--lr-warmup-epochs 5 --lr-warmup-method linear --auto-augment ta_wide --epochs 600 --random-erase 0.1 \
--label-smoothing 0.1 --mixup-alpha 0.2 --cutmix-alpha 1.0 --weight-decay 0.00002 --norm-weight-decay 0.0 \
--train-crop-size $TRAIN_SIZE --model-ema --val-crop-size $EVAL_SIZE --val-resize-size $EVAL_SIZE \
--ra-sampler --ra-reps 4
Here `$MODEL` is one of `efficientnet_v2_s` and `efficientnet_v2_m`.
Note that the Small variant had a `$TRAIN_SIZE` of `300` and a `$EVAL_SIZE` of `384`, while the Medium `384` and `480` respectively.
Note that the above command corresponds to training on a single node with 8 GPUs.
For generatring the pre-trained weights, we trained with 4 nodes, each with 8 GPUs (for a total of 32 GPUs),
and `--batch_size 32`.
The weights of the Large variant are ported from the original paper rather than trained from scratch. See the `EfficientNet_V2_L_Weights` entry for their exact preprocessing transforms.
### RegNet
#### Small models
torchrun --nproc_per_node=8 train.py\
--model $MODEL --epochs 100 --batch-size 128 --wd 0.00005 --lr=0.8\
--lr-scheduler=cosineannealinglr --lr-warmup-method=linear\
--lr-warmup-epochs=5 --lr-warmup-decay=0.1
Here `$MODEL` is one of `regnet_x_400mf`, `regnet_x_800mf`, `regnet_x_1_6gf`, `regnet_y_400mf`, `regnet_y_800mf` and `regnet_y_1_6gf`. Please note we used learning rate 0.4 for `regent_y_400mf` to get the same Acc@1 as [the paper)(https://arxiv.org/abs/2003.13678).
#### Medium models
torchrun --nproc_per_node=8 train.py\
--model $MODEL --epochs 100 --batch-size 64 --wd 0.00005 --lr=0.4\
--lr-scheduler=cosineannealinglr --lr-warmup-method=linear\
--lr-warmup-epochs=5 --lr-warmup-decay=0.1
Here `$MODEL` is one of `regnet_x_3_2gf`, `regnet_x_8gf`, `regnet_x_16gf`, `regnet_y_3_2gf` and `regnet_y_8gf`.
#### Large models
torchrun --nproc_per_node=8 train.py\
--model $MODEL --epochs 100 --batch-size 32 --wd 0.00005 --lr=0.2\
--lr-scheduler=cosineannealinglr --lr-warmup-method=linear\
--lr-warmup-epochs=5 --lr-warmup-decay=0.1
Here `$MODEL` is one of `regnet_x_32gf`, `regnet_y_16gf` and `regnet_y_32gf`.
### Vision Transformer
#### vit_b_16
torchrun --nproc_per_node=8 train.py\
--model vit_b_16 --epochs 300 --batch-size 512 --opt adamw --lr 0.003 --wd 0.3\
--lr-scheduler cosineannealinglr --lr-warmup-method linear --lr-warmup-epochs 30\
--lr-warmup-decay 0.033 --amp --label-smoothing 0.11 --mixup-alpha 0.2 --auto-augment ra\
--clip-grad-norm 1 --ra-sampler --cutmix-alpha 1.0 --model-ema
Note that the above command corresponds to training on a single node with 8 GPUs.
For generatring the pre-trained weights, we trained with 8 nodes, each with 8 GPUs (for a total of 64 GPUs),
and `--batch_size 64`.
#### vit_b_32
torchrun --nproc_per_node=8 train.py\
--model vit_b_32 --epochs 300 --batch-size 512 --opt adamw --lr 0.003 --wd 0.3\
--lr-scheduler cosineannealinglr --lr-warmup-me
没有合适的资源?快使用搜索试试~ 我知道了~
这个是jetson上使用的torchvision0.17.0版本源码,解压后使用 sudo python3 setup.py install即可安装,编译大约耗时30分钟完成,请耐心等待,安装这个源码之前您必须安装好由nvidia官方提供对应版本的torch whl文件,因此需要必须先安装好pytorch才能使用源码编译。注意配套使用。
jetson上torchvision-0.17.0源码 (817个子文件)
v_SoccerJuggling_g24_c01.avi 608KB
v_SoccerJuggling_g23_c01.avi 496KB
hmdb51_Turnk_r_Pippi_Michel_cartwheel_f_cm_np2_le_med_6.avi 350KB
SchoolRulesHowTheyHelpUs_wave_f_nm_np1_ba_med_0.avi 283KB
RATRACE_wave_f_nm_np1_fr_goo_37.avi 258KB
TrumanShow_wave_f_nm_np1_fr_med_26.avi 237KB
gradlew.bat 2KB
install_activate.bat 2KB
activate.bat 1KB
vc_env_helper.bat 1KB
make.bat 819B
build_cmake.bat 312B
build_frcnn.bat 225B
build_cpp_example.bat 218B
setup.cfg 593B
.clang-format 3KB
iOS.cmake 10KB
docutils.conf 112B
config 235B
deform_conv2d_kernel.cpp 34KB
video_reader.cpp 22KB
decoder.cpp 21KB
decoder.cpp 15KB
sync_decoder_test.cpp 13KB
ps_roi_align_kernel.cpp 13KB
video.cpp 13KB
util.cpp 12KB
roi_align_kernel.cpp 12KB
video_sampler.cpp 11KB
qroi_align_kernel.cpp 10KB
ps_roi_pool_kernel.cpp 9KB
stream.cpp 9KB
roi_pool_kernel.cpp 8KB
decode_jpeg.cpp 8KB
decode_png.cpp 8KB
deform_conv2d_kernel.cpp 7KB
audio_sampler.cpp 6KB
decode_jpeg_cuda.cpp 6KB
ps_roi_align_kernel.cpp 5KB
encode_png.cpp 5KB
roi_align_kernel.cpp 5KB
deform_conv2d.cpp 5KB
ps_roi_pool_kernel.cpp 5KB
roi_pool_kernel.cpp 4KB
qnms_kernel.cpp 4KB
video_stream.cpp 4KB
roi_align.cpp 4KB
seekable_buffer.cpp 4KB
ps_roi_align.cpp 3KB
nms_kernel.cpp 3KB
encode_jpeg.cpp 3KB
audio_stream.cpp 3KB
ps_roi_pool.cpp 3KB
read_write_file.cpp 3KB
roi_pool.cpp 3KB
subtitle_stream.cpp 2KB
sync_decoder.cpp 2KB
gpu_decoder.cpp 2KB
test_custom_operators.cpp 2KB
memory_buffer.cpp 2KB
test_frcnn_tracing.cpp 2KB
deform_conv2d_kernel.cpp 1KB
roi_align_kernel.cpp 1KB
util_test.cpp 1KB
main.cpp 1KB
decode_image.cpp 1KB
nms_kernel.cpp 1KB
ps_roi_align_kernel.cpp 1KB
image.cpp 1KB
ps_roi_pool_kernel.cpp 1016B
roi_pool_kernel.cpp 1001B
subtitle_sampler.cpp 908B
time_keeper.cpp 895B
vision.cpp 851B
nms.cpp 753B
common_jpeg.cpp 724B
cc_stream.cpp 643B
custom_torchvision.css 1KB
deform_conv2d_kernel.cu 40KB
ps_roi_align_kernel.cu 14KB
roi_align_kernel.cu 14KB
ps_roi_pool_kernel.cu 10KB
roi_pool_kernel.cu 9KB
nms_kernel.cu 5KB
description 73B
exclude 240B
.git-blame-ignore-revs 628B
.gitattributes 130B
.gitignore 565B
.gitignore 75B
build.gradle 4KB
build.gradle 2KB
build.gradle 1007B
android_tasks.gradle 301B
settings.gradle 129B
release.gradle 117B
gradlew 5KB
mps_kernels.h 48KB
defs.h 13KB
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