# Multi-Object Tracking with Ultralytics YOLO
<img width="1024" src="https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/26833433/243418637-1d6250fd-1515-4c10-a844-a32818ae6d46.png" alt="YOLOv8 trackers visualization">
Object tracking in the realm of video analytics is a critical task that not only identifies the location and class of objects within the frame but also maintains a unique ID for each detected object as the video progresses. The applications are limitless—ranging from surveillance and security to real-time sports analytics.
## Why Choose Ultralytics YOLO for Object Tracking?
The output from Ultralytics trackers is consistent with standard object detection but has the added value of object IDs. This makes it easy to track objects in video streams and perform subsequent analytics. Here's why you should consider using Ultralytics YOLO for your object tracking needs:
- **Efficiency:** Process video streams in real-time without compromising accuracy.
- **Flexibility:** Supports multiple tracking algorithms and configurations.
- **Ease of Use:** Simple Python API and CLI options for quick integration and deployment.
- **Customizability:** Easy to use with custom trained YOLO models, allowing integration into domain-specific applications.
**Video Tutorial:** [Object Detection and Tracking with Ultralytics YOLOv8](https://www.youtube.com/embed/hHyHmOtmEgs?si=VNZtXmm45Nb9s-N-).
## Features at a Glance
Ultralytics YOLO extends its object detection features to provide robust and versatile object tracking:
- **Real-Time Tracking:** Seamlessly track objects in high-frame-rate videos.
- **Multiple Tracker Support:** Choose from a variety of established tracking algorithms.
- **Customizable Tracker Configurations:** Tailor the tracking algorithm to meet specific requirements by adjusting various parameters.
## Available Trackers
Ultralytics YOLO supports the following tracking algorithms. They can be enabled by passing the relevant YAML configuration file such as `tracker=tracker_type.yaml`:
- [BoT-SORT](https://github.com/NirAharon/BoT-SORT) - Use `botsort.yaml` to enable this tracker.
- [ByteTrack](https://github.com/ifzhang/ByteTrack) - Use `bytetrack.yaml` to enable this tracker.
The default tracker is BoT-SORT.
## Tracking
To run the tracker on video streams, use a trained Detect, Segment or Pose model such as YOLOv8n, YOLOv8n-seg and YOLOv8n-pose.
#### Python
from ultralytics import YOLO
# Load an official or custom model
model = YOLO("yolov8n.pt") # Load an official Detect model
model = YOLO("yolov8n-seg.pt") # Load an official Segment model
model = YOLO("yolov8n-pose.pt") # Load an official Pose model
model = YOLO("path/to/best.pt") # Load a custom trained model
# Perform tracking with the model
results = model.track(
source="https://youtu.be/LNwODJXcvt4", show=True
) # Tracking with default tracker
results = model.track(
source="https://youtu.be/LNwODJXcvt4", show=True, tracker="bytetrack.yaml"
) # Tracking with ByteTrack tracker
#### CLI
# Perform tracking with various models using the command line interface
yolo track model=yolov8n.pt source="https://youtu.be/LNwODJXcvt4" # Official Detect model
yolo track model=yolov8n-seg.pt source="https://youtu.be/LNwODJXcvt4" # Official Segment model
yolo track model=yolov8n-pose.pt source="https://youtu.be/LNwODJXcvt4" # Official Pose model
yolo track model=path/to/best.pt source="https://youtu.be/LNwODJXcvt4" # Custom trained model
# Track using ByteTrack tracker
yolo track model=path/to/best.pt tracker="bytetrack.yaml"
As can be seen in the above usage, tracking is available for all Detect, Segment and Pose models run on videos or streaming sources.
## Configuration
### Tracking Arguments
Tracking configuration shares properties with Predict mode, such as `conf`, `iou`, and `show`. For further configurations, refer to the [Predict](https://docs.ultralytics.com/modes/predict/) model page.
#### Python
from ultralytics import YOLO
# Configure the tracking parameters and run the tracker
model = YOLO("yolov8n.pt")
results = model.track(
source="https://youtu.be/LNwODJXcvt4", conf=0.3, iou=0.5, show=True
#### CLI
# Configure tracking parameters and run the tracker using the command line interface
yolo track model=yolov8n.pt source="https://youtu.be/LNwODJXcvt4" conf=0.3, iou=0.5 show
### Tracker Selection
Ultralytics also allows you to use a modified tracker configuration file. To do this, simply make a copy of a tracker config file (for example, `custom_tracker.yaml`) from [ultralytics/cfg/trackers](https://github.com/ultralytics/ultralytics/tree/main/ultralytics/cfg/trackers) and modify any configurations (except the `tracker_type`) as per your needs.
#### Python
from ultralytics import YOLO
# Load the model and run the tracker with a custom configuration file
model = YOLO("yolov8n.pt")
results = model.track(
source="https://youtu.be/LNwODJXcvt4", tracker="custom_tracker.yaml"
#### CLI
# Load the model and run the tracker with a custom configuration file using the command line interface
yolo track model=yolov8n.pt source="https://youtu.be/LNwODJXcvt4" tracker='custom_tracker.yaml'
For a comprehensive list of tracking arguments, refer to the [ultralytics/cfg/trackers](https://github.com/ultralytics/ultralytics/tree/main/ultralytics/cfg/trackers) page.
## Python Examples
### Persisting Tracks Loop
Here is a Python script using OpenCV (`cv2`) and YOLOv8 to run object tracking on video frames. This script still assumes you have already installed the necessary packages (`opencv-python` and `ultralytics`). The `persist=True` argument tells the tracker than the current image or frame is the next in a sequence and to expect tracks from the previous image in the current image.
#### Python
import cv2
from ultralytics import YOLO
# Load the YOLOv8 model
model = YOLO("yolov8n.pt")
# Open the video file
video_path = "path/to/video.mp4"
cap = cv2.VideoCapture(video_path)
# Loop through the video frames
while cap.isOpened():
# Read a frame from the video
success, frame = cap.read()
if success:
# Run YOLOv8 tracking on the frame, persisting tracks between frames
results = model.track(frame, persist=True)
# Visualize the results on the frame
annotated_frame = results[0].plot()
# Display the annotated frame
cv2.imshow("YOLOv8 Tracking", annotated_frame)
# Break the loop if 'q' is pressed
if cv2.waitKey(1) & 0xFF == ord("q"):
# Break the loop if the end of the video is reached
# Release the video capture object and close the display window
Please note the change from `model(frame)` to `model.track(frame)`, which enables object tracking instead of simple detection. This modified script will run the tracker on each frame of the video, visualize the results, and display them in a window. The loop can be exited by pressing 'q'.
### Plotting Tracks Over Time
Visualizing object tracks over consecutive frames can provide valuable insights into the movement patterns and behavior of detected objects within a video. With Ultralytics YOLOv8, plotting these tracks is a seamless and efficient process.
In the following example, we demonstrate how to utilize YOLOv8's tracking capabilities to plot the movement of detected objects across multiple video frames. This script involves opening a video file, reading it frame by frame, and utilizing the YOLO model to identify and track various objects. By retaining the center points of the detected bounding boxes and connecting them, we can draw lines that represent the paths followed by the tracked objects.
#### Python
from collections import defaultdict
import cv2
import numpy as np
from ultralytics import YOLO
# Load the YOLOv8 model
model = YOLO("y
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本资源配套对应的视频教程和图文教程,手把手教你使用YOLOV10做海上船只红外目标检测的训练、测试和界面封装,包含了YOLOV10原理的解析、处理好的训练集和测试集、训练和测试的代码以及训练好的模型,并封装为了图形化界面,只需点击上传按钮上传图像即可完成海上红外图像的预测。 在这里,我们用一个红外海洋目标检测的数据集,里面包含了7类海洋目标 `['liner', 'sailboat', 'warship', 'canoe', 'bulk carrier', 'container ship', 'fishing boat']` YOLOv10模型于24年5月份正式提出,对过去YOLOs的结构设计、优化目标和数据增强策略进行了深入的了解和探索,并对YOLO模型中的各个组件进行了rethink,从后处理和模型结构入手进行了新的设计,在速度和精度上进行提升。 博客地址为:https://blog.csdn.net/ECHOSON/article/details/139223999
YOLOv10海上红外目标检测+代码+模型+系统界面+教学视频.zip (825个子文件)
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