## Example Summary
The following example configures the UART at 9600bps waiting to echo received
The device goes to Standby mode while waiting and uses interrupts to wake up.
## Peripherals & Pin Assignments
| Peripheral | Pin | Function |
| --- | --- | --- |
| GPIOA | PA0 | Open-Drain Output |
| GPIOA | PA15 | Standard Output |
| SYSCTL | | |
| UART0 | PA11 | RX Pin |
| UART0 | PA10 | TX Pin |
| EVENT | | |
| DEBUGSS | PA20 | Debug Clock |
| DEBUGSS | PA19 | Debug Data In Out |
## BoosterPacks, Board Resources & Jumper Settings
Visit [LP_MSPM0G3507](https://www.ti.com/tool/LP-MSPM0G3507) for LaunchPad information, including user guide and hardware files.
| Pin | Peripheral | Function | LaunchPad Pin | LaunchPad Settings |
| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
| PA0 | GPIOA | PA0 | J27_9 | <ul><li>PA0 is 5V tolerant open-drain so it requires pull-up<br><ul><li>`J19 1:2` Use 3.3V pull-up<br><li>`J19 2:3` Use 5V pull-up</ul><br><li>PA0 can be connected to LED1<br><ul><li>`J4 ON` Connect to LED1<br><li>`J4 OFF` Disconnect from LED1</ul></ul> |
| PA15 | GPIOA | PA15 | J3_30 | <ul><li>This pin can be used for testing purposes in boosterpack connector<ul><li>Pin can be reconfigured for general purpose as necessary</ul></ul> |
| PA11 | UART0 | RX | J4_33/J26_6 | <ul><li>PA11 can be used as UART RX connected to XDS-110 backchannel, to boosterpack connector or to CAN/LIN connector:<br><ul><li>To use backchannel UART on J101:<br> `J22 1:2`: Connects XDS-110 backchannel UART RX to `J101`<br> `J101 7:8` Connects XDS-110 backchannel to UART RX<br><li>To use UART on boosterpack connector:<br> `J22 2:3`: Connects UART RX to `J4_33`<br><li>To use on J26 CAN/LIN connector:<br> `R63` is populated by default and connects pin to `J26_6`</ul></ul> |
| PA10 | UART0 | TX | J4_34/J26_5 | <ul><li>PA10 can be used as UART TX connected to XDS-110 backchannel, to boosterpack connector or to CAN/LIN connector:<br><ul><li>To use backchannel UART on J101:<br> `J21 1:2`: Connects XDS-110 backchannel UART TX to `J101`<br> `J101 9:10` Connects XDS-110 backchannel to UART TX<br><li>To use UART on boosterpack connector:<br> `J21 2:3`: Connects UART TX to `J4_34`<br><li>To use on J26 CAN/LIN connector:<br> `R62` is populated by default and connects pin to `J26_5`</ul></ul> |
| PA20 | DEBUGSS | SWCLK | N/A | <ul><li>PA20 is used by SWD during debugging<br><ul><li>`J101 15:16 ON` Connect to XDS-110 SWCLK while debugging<br><li>`J101 15:16 OFF` Disconnect from XDS-110 SWCLK if using pin in application</ul></ul> |
| PA19 | DEBUGSS | SWDIO | N/A | <ul><li>PA19 is used by SWD during debugging<br><ul><li>`J101 13:14 ON` Connect to XDS-110 SWDIO while debugging<br><li>`J101 13:14 OFF` Disconnect from XDS-110 SWDIO if using pin in application</ul></ul> |
### Device Migration Recommendations
This project was developed for a superset device included in the LP_MSPM0G3507 LaunchPad. Please
visit the [CCS User's Guide](https://software-dl.ti.com/msp430/esd/MSPM0-SDK/latest/docs/english/tools/ccs_ide_guide/doc_guide/doc_guide-srcs/ccs_ide_guide.html#sysconfig-project-migration)
for information about migrating to other MSPM0 devices.
### Low-Power Recommendations
TI recommends to terminate unused pins by setting the corresponding functions to
GPIO and configure the pins to output low or input with internal
pullup/pulldown resistor.
SysConfig allows developers to easily configure unused pins by selecting **Board**→**Configure Unused Pins**.
For more information about jumper configuration to achieve low-power using the
MSPM0 LaunchPad, please visit the [LP-MSPM0G3507 User's Guide](https://www.ti.com/lit/slau873).
## Example Usage
Compile, load and run the example.
Connect to terminal if using Launchpad's back-channel UART, or connect to
external device using BoosterPack.
The UART will wait to receive data and respond with echo. Every time UART
receives data the LED toggles and the USER_TEST matches the LED pin state.
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2024年电子设计竞赛MSPM0G3507学习例程 (302个子文件)
ti_msp_dl_config.c 8KB
ti_msp_dl_config.c 5KB
ti_msp_dl_config.c 5KB
timx_timer_mode_periodic_sleep.c 5KB
ti_msp_dl_config.c 4KB
ti_msp_dl_config.c 4KB
ti_msp_dl_config.c 4KB
gpio_simultaneous_interrupts.c 4KB
ti_msp_dl_config.c 4KB
adc12_single_conversion.c 4KB
adc12_sequence_conversion.c 3KB
main.c 3KB
uart_echo_interrupts_standby.c 3KB
timx_timer_mode_pwm_edge_sleep.c 2KB
delay.c 584B
.ccsproject 1KB
.ccsproject 1KB
.ccsproject 1KB
.ccsproject 1KB
.ccsproject 1KB
.ccsproject 1KB
.ccsproject 889B
MSPM0G3507.ccxml 2KB
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MSPM0G3507.ccxml 2KB
MSPM0G3507.ccxml 2KB
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MSPM0G3507.ccxml 2KB
MSPM0G3507.ccxml 2KB
.clangd 180B
.clangd 180B
.clangd 180B
.clangd 180B
.clangd 180B
.clangd 180B
.clangd 180B
device_linker.cmd 3KB
device_linker.cmd 3KB
device_linker.cmd 3KB
device_linker.cmd 3KB
device_linker.cmd 3KB
device_linker.cmd 3KB
device_linker.cmd 3KB
.cproject 14KB
.cproject 14KB
.cproject 14KB
.cproject 14KB
.cproject 14KB
.cproject 14KB
.cproject 14KB
main.d 12KB
timx_timer_mode_periodic_sleep.d 12KB
timx_timer_mode_pwm_edge_sleep.d 12KB
gpio_simultaneous_interrupts.d 12KB
uart_echo_interrupts_standby.d 12KB
adc12_sequence_conversion.d 12KB
adc12_single_conversion.d 12KB
ti_msp_dl_config.d 12KB
ti_msp_dl_config.d 12KB
ti_msp_dl_config.d 12KB
ti_msp_dl_config.d 12KB
ti_msp_dl_config.d 12KB
ti_msp_dl_config.d 12KB
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delay.d 12KB
startup_mspm0g350x_ticlang.d 6KB
startup_mspm0g350x_ticlang.d 6KB
startup_mspm0g350x_ticlang.d 6KB
startup_mspm0g350x_ticlang.d 6KB
startup_mspm0g350x_ticlang.d 6KB
startup_mspm0g350x_ticlang.d 6KB
startup_mspm0g350x_ticlang.d 6KB
MSPM0时钟介绍.docx 93KB
Event.dot 1KB
Event.dot 1KB
Event.dot 1KB
Event.dot 1KB
Event.dot 1KB
Event.dot 1KB
Event.dot 1KB
device.cmd.genlibs 3KB
device.cmd.genlibs 3KB
device.cmd.genlibs 3KB
device.cmd.genlibs 3KB
device.cmd.genlibs 3KB
device.cmd.genlibs 3KB
device.cmd.genlibs 3KB
ti_msp_dl_config.h 5KB
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ti_msp_dl_config.h 5KB
ti_msp_dl_config.h 5KB
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ti_msp_dl_config.h 4KB
ti_msp_dl_config.h 4KB
delay.h 102B
README.html 71KB
README.html 71KB
README.html 70KB
README.html 70KB
README.html 70KB
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