• 深入理解linux内核中文第三版

    前言 第一章绪论 第二章内存寻址 第三章进程 第四章中断和异常 第五章内核同步 第六章定时测量 第七章进程调度 第八章内存管理 第九章进程地址空间 第十章系统调用 第十一章信号 第十二章虚拟文件系统 第十三章I/O体系结构和设备驱动程序 第十四章块设备驱动程序 第十五章页调高速缓存 第十六章访问文件 第十七章回收页框 第十八章Ext2和Ext3文件系统 第十九章进程通信 第二十章程序的执行 附录一系统启动 附录二模块 参考文献 源代码索引

  • 推荐系统实践

    第1章  好的推荐系统    1 1.1  什么是推荐系统    1 1.2  个性化推荐系统的应用    4 1.2.1  电子商务    4 1.2.2  电影和视频网站    8 1.2.3  个性化音乐网络电台    10 1.2.4  社交网络    12 1.2.5  个性化阅读    15 1.2.6  基于位置的服务    16 1.2.7  个性化邮件    17 1.2.8  个性化广告    18 1.3  推荐系统评测    19 1.3.1  推荐系统实验方法    20 1.3.2  评测指标    23 1.3.3  评测维度    34 第2章  利用用户行为数据    35 2.1  用户行为数据简介    36 2.2  用户行为分析    39 2.2.1  用户活跃度和物品流行度的分布    39 2.2.2  用户活跃度和物品流行度的关系    41 2.3  实验设计和算法评测    41 2.3.1  数据集    42 2.3.2  实验设计    42 2.3.3  评测指标    42 2.4  基于邻域的算法    44 2.4.1  基于用户的协同过滤算法    44 2.4.2  基于物品的协同过滤算法    51 2.4.3  UserCF和ItemCF的综合比较    59 2.5  隐语义模型    64 2.5.1  基础算法    64 2.5.2  基于LFM的实际系统的例子    70 2.5.3  LFM和基于邻域的方法的比较    72 2.6  基于图的模型    73 2.6.1  用户行为数据的二分图表示    73 2.6.2  基于图的推荐算法    73 第3章  推荐系统冷启动问题    78 3.1  冷启动问题简介    78 3.2  利用用户注册信息    79 3.3  选择合适的物品启动用户的兴趣    85 3.4  利用物品的内容信息    89 3.5  发挥专家的作用    94 第4章  利用用户标签数据    96 4.1  UGC标签系统的代表应用    97 4.1.1  Delicious    97 4.1.2  CiteULike    98 4.1.3  Last,fm    98 4.1.4  豆瓣    99 4.1.5  Hulu    99 4.2  标签系统中的推荐问题    100 4.2.1  用户为什么进行标注    100 4.2.2  用户如何打标签    101 4.2.3  用户打什么样的标签    102 4.3  基于标签的推荐系统    103 4.3.1  实验设置    104 4.3.2  一个最简单的算法    105 4.3.3  算法的改进    107 4.3.4  基于图的推荐算法    110 4.3.5  基于标签的推荐解释    112 4.4  给用户推荐标签    115 4.4.1  为什么要给用户推荐标签    115 4.4.2  如何给用户推荐标签    115 4.4.3  实验设置    116 4.4.4  基于图的标签推荐算法    119 4.5  扩展阅读    119 第5章  利用上下文信息    121 5.1  时间上下文信息    122 5.1.1  时间效应简介    122 5.1.2  时间效应举例    123 5.1.3  系统时间特性的分析    125 5.1.4  推荐系统的实时性    127 5.1.5  推荐算法的时间多样性    128 5.1.6  时间上下文推荐算法    130 5.1.7  时间段图模型    134 5.1.8  离线实验    136 5.2  地点上下文信息    139 5.3  扩展阅读    143 第6章  利用社交网络数据    144 6.1  获取社交网络数据的途径    144 6.1.1  电子邮件    145 6.1.2  用户注册信息    146 6.1.3  用户的位置数据    146 6.1.4  论坛和讨论组    146 6.1.5  即时聊天工具    147 6.1.6  社交网站    147 6.2  社交网络数据简介    148社交网络数据中的长尾分布    149 6.3  基于社交网络的推荐    150 6.3.1  基于邻域的社会化推荐算法    151 6.3.2  基于图的社会化推荐算法    152 6.3.3  实际系统中的社会化推荐算法    153 6.3.4  社会化推荐系统和协同过滤推荐系统    155 6.3.5  信息流推荐    156 6.4  给用户推荐好友    159 6.4.1  基于内容的匹配    161 6.4.2  基于共同兴趣的好友推荐    161 6.4.3  基于社交网络图的好友推荐    161 6.4.4  基于用户调查的好友推荐算法对比    164 6.5  扩展阅读    165 第7章  推荐系统实例    166 7.1  外围架构    166 7.2  推荐系统架构    167 7.3  推荐引擎的架构    171 7.3.1  生成用户特征向量    172 7.3.2  特征?物品相关推荐    173 7.3.3  过滤模块    174 7.3.4  排名模块    174 7.4  扩展阅读    178 第8章  评分预测问题    179 8.1  离线实验方法    180 8.2  评分预测算法    180 8.2.1  平均值    180 8.2.2  基于邻域的方法    184 8.2.3  隐语义模型与矩阵分解模型    186 8.2.4  加入时间信息    192 8.2.5  模型融合    193 8.2.6  Netflix Prize的相关实验结果    195 后记    196[1]

  • Web Dragons深入搜索引擎

    In the eye-blink that has elapsed since the turn of the millennium, the lives of those of us who work with information have been utterly transformed. Pretty well all we need to know is on the web; if not today, then tomorrow. It's where we learn and play, shop and do business, keep up with old friends and meet new ones. What makes it possible for us to find the stuff we need to know? Search engines. Search engines - 'web dragons' - are the portals through which we access society's treasure trove of information. How do they stack up against librarians, the gatekeepers over centuries past? What role will libraries play in a world whose information is ruled by the web? How is the web organized? Who controls its contents, and how do they do it? How do search engines work? How can web visibility be exploited by those who want to sell us their wares? What's coming tomorrow, and can we influence it? We are witnessing the dawn of a new era, starting right now - and this book shows you what it will look like and how it will change your world. Do you use search engines every day? Are you a developer or a librarian, helping others with their information needs? A researcher or journalist for whom the web has changed the very way you work? An online marketer or site designer, whose career exists because of the web? Whoever you are: if you care about information, this book will open your eyes - and make you blink. About the authors: Ian H. Witten is professor of computer science at the University of Waikato, where he directs the New Zealand Digital Library research project. He has published widely on digital libraries, machine learning, text compression, hypertext, speech synthesis and signal processing, and computer typography. A fellow of the ACM, he has written several books, including "How to Build a Digital Library" (2002) and "Data Mining" (2005), both from Morgan Kaufmann. Marco Gori is professor of computer science at the University of Siena, where he leads the artificial intelligence research group. He is the Chairman of the Italian Chapter of the IEEE Computational Intelligence Society, a fellow of the IEEE and of the ECCAI, and former President of the Italian Association for Artificial Intelligence. Teresa Numerico teaches network theory and communication studies at the University of Rome 3, and is a researcher in Philosophy of Science at the University of Salerno. Previously she was employed as a business development and marketing manager for various media companies, including the Italian branch of Turner Broadcasting System (CNN and Cartoon Network). This book presents a critical view of the idea of funneling information access through a small handful of gateways and the notion of a centralized index - and the problems that may cause; and, provides promising approaches for addressing the problems, such as the personalization of web services. It is presented by authorities in the field of digital libraries, web history, machine learning, and web and data mining.

  • Mining of Massive Datasets

    The popularity of the Web and Internet commerce provides many extremely large datasets from which information can be gleaned by data mining. This book focuses on practical algorithms that have been used to solve key problems in data mining and which can be used on even the largest datasets. It begins with a discussion of the map-reduce framework, an important tool for parallelizing algorithms automatically. The authors explain the tricks of locality-sensitive hashing and stream processing algorithms for mining data that arrives too fast for exhaustive processing. The PageRank idea and related tricks for organizing the Web are covered next. Other chapters cover the problems of finding frequent itemsets and clustering. The final chapters cover two applications: recommendation systems and Web advertising, each vital in e-commerce. Written by two authorities in database and Web technologies, this book is essential reading for students and practitioners alike.

  • Artificial intelligence- a modern approach (2ed,2003)

    Table of Contents [Full Contents] Preface [html] Part I Artificial Intelligence 1 Introduction 2 Intelligent Agents Part II Problem Solving 3 Solving Problems by Searching 4 Beyond Classical Search 5 Adversarial Search 6 Constraint Satisfaction Problems Part III Knowledge and Reasoning 7 Logical Agents 8 First-Order Logic 9 Inference in First-Order Logic 10 Classical Planning 11 Planning and Acting in the Real World 12 Knowledge Representation Part IV Uncertain Knowledge and Reasoning 13 Quantifying Uncertainty 14 Probabilistic Reasoning 15 Probabilistic Reasoning over Time 16 Making Simple Decisions 17 Making Complex Decisions Part V Learning 18 Learning from Examples 19 Knowledge in Learning 20 Learning Probabilistic Models 21 Reinforcement Learning Part VII Communicating, Perceiving, and Acting 22 Natural Language Processing 23 Natural Language for Communication 24 Perception 25 Robotics Part VIII Conclusions 26 Philosophical Foundations 27 AI: The Present and Future A Mathematical Background [pdf] B Notes on Languages and Algorithms [pdf] Bibliography [pdf and histograms] Index [html or pdf]

  • Artificial Intelligence - A Modern Approach.3e[人工智能:一种现代方法.英文.第三版]

    Table of Contents [Full Contents] Preface [html] Part I Artificial Intelligence 1 Introduction 2 Intelligent Agents Part II Problem Solving 3 Solving Problems by Searching 4 Beyond Classical Search 5 Adversarial Search 6 Constraint Satisfaction Problems Part III Knowledge and Reasoning 7 Logical Agents 8 First-Order Logic 9 Inference in First-Order Logic 10 Classical Planning 11 Planning and Acting in the Real World 12 Knowledge Representation Part IV Uncertain Knowledge and Reasoning 13 Quantifying Uncertainty 14 Probabilistic Reasoning 15 Probabilistic Reasoning over Time 16 Making Simple Decisions 17 Making Complex Decisions Part V Learning 18 Learning from Examples 19 Knowledge in Learning 20 Learning Probabilistic Models 21 Reinforcement Learning Part VII Communicating, Perceiving, and Acting 22 Natural Language Processing 23 Natural Language for Communication 24 Perception 25 Robotics Part VIII Conclusions 26 Philosophical Foundations 27 AI: The Present and Future A Mathematical Background [pdf] B Notes on Languages and Algorithms [pdf] Bibliography [pdf and histograms] Index [html or pdf]

  • Data Mining - Practical Machine Learning Tools and Techniques-3rd(数据挖掘-实用机器学习技术)

    Part I: Practical Machine Learning Tools and Techniques 1. What’s it all about? 1.1 Data Mining and Machine Learning 1.2 Simple Examples: The Weather Problem and Others 1.3 Fielded Applications 1.4 Machine Learning and Statistics 1.5 Generalization as Search 1.6 Data Mining and Ethics 1.7 Further Reading 2. Input: Concepts, instances, attributes 2.1 What’s a Concept? 2.2 What’s in an Example? 2.3 What’s in an Attribute? 2.4 Preparing the Input 2.5 Further Reading 3. Output: Knowledge representation 3.1 Tables 3.2 Linear Models 3.3 Trees 3.4 Rules 3.5 Instance-Based Representation 3.6 Clusters 3.7 Further Reading 4. Algorithms: The basic methods 4.1 Inferring Rudimentary Rules 4.2 Statistical Modeling 4.3 Divide-and-Conquer: Constructing Decision Trees 4.4 Covering Algorithms: Constructing Rules 4.5 Mining Association Rules 4.6 Linear Models 4.7 Instance-Based Learning 4.8 Clustering 4.9 Multi-Instance Learning 4.10 Further Reading 4.11 Weka Implementations 5. Credibility: Evaluating what’s been learned 5.1 Training and Testing 5.2 Predicting Performance 5.3 Cross-Validation 5.4 Other Estimates 5.5 Comparing Data Mining Schemes 5.6 Predicting Probabilities 5.7 Counting the Cost 5.8 Evaluating Numeric Prediction 5.9 The Minimum Description Length Principle 5.10 Applying MDL to Clustering 5.11 Further Reading Part II: Advanced Data Mining 6. Implementations: Real machine learning schemes 6.1 Decision Trees 6.2 Classification Rules 6.3 Association Rules 6.4 Extending Linear Models 6.5 Instance-Based Learning 6.6 Numeric Prediction with Local Linear Models 6.7 Bayesian Networks 6.8 Clustering 6.9 Semisupervised Learning 6.10 Multi-Instance Learning 6.11 Weka Implementations 7. Data Transformations 7.1 Attribute Selection 7.2 Discretizing Numeric Attributes 7.3 Projections 7.4 Sampling 7.5 Cleansing 7.6 Transforming Multiple Classes to Binary Ones 7.7 Calibrating Class Probabilities 7.8 Further Reading 7.9 Weka Implementations 8. Ensemble Learning 8.1 Combining Multiple Models 8.2 Bagging 8.3 Randomization 8.4 Boosting 8.5 Additive Regression 8.6 Interpretable Ensembles 8.7 Stacking 8.8 Further Reading 8.9 Weka Implementations 9. Moving on: Applications and Beyond 9.1 Applying Data Mining 9.2 Learning from Massive Datasets 9.3 Data Stream Learning 9.4 Incorporating Domain Knowledge 9.5 Text Mining 9.6 Web Mining 9.7 Adversarial Situations 9.8 Ubiquitous Data Mining 9.9 Further Reading Part III: The Weka Data Mining Workbench 10. Introduction to Weka 10.1 What’s in Weka? 10.2 How Do You Use It? 10.3 What Else Can You Do? 11. The Explorer 11.1 Getting Started 11.2 Exploring the Explorer 11.3 Filtering Algorithms 11.4 Learning Algorithms 11.5 Meta-Learning Algorithms 11.6 Clustering Algorithms 11.7 Association-Rule Learners 11.8 Attribute Selection 12. The Knowledge Flow Interface 12.1 Getting Started 12.2 Knowledge Flow Components 12.3 Configuring and Connecting the Components 12.4 Incremental Learning 13. The Experimenter 13.1 Getting Started 13.2 Simple Setup 13.3 Advanced Setup 13.4 The Analyze Panel 13.5 Distributing Processing over Several Machines 14. The Command-Line Interface 14.1 Getting Started 14.2 The Structure of Weka 14.3 Command-Line Options 15. Embedded Machine Learning 15.1 A Simple Data Mining Application 16. Writing New Learning Schemes 16.1 An Example Classifier 16.2 Conventions for Implementing Classifiers 17. Tutorial Excercises for the Weka Explorer 17.1 Introduction to the Explorer Interface 17.2 Nearest-Neighbor Learning and Decision Trees 17.3 Classification Boundaries 17.4 Preprocessing and Parameter Tuning 17.5 Document Classification 17.6 Mining Association Rules References Index

  • 数据挖掘-实用机器学习技术(中文第二版)

    前言 第一部分 机器学习工具与技术 第1章 绪论 1.l 数据挖掘和机器学习 l.2 简单的例子:天气问题和其他 l.3 应用领域- 1.4 机器学习和统计学 1.5 用于搜索的概括 l.6 数据挖掘和道德 1.7 补允读物 第2章 输入概念、实例和属性 2.1 概念 2.2 样本 2.3 属性 2.4 输入准备 2.5 补充读物 第3章 输出:知识表达 3.1 决策表 3.2 决策树 3.3 分类规则 3.4 关联规则 3.5 包含例外的规则 3.6 包含关系的规则 3.7 数值预测树 3.8 基于实例的表达 3.9 聚类 3.10 补充读物 第4章 算法基本方法 4.1 推断基本规则 4.2 统计建模 4.3 分治法:创建决策树 4.4 覆盖算法:建立规则 4.5 挖掘关联规州 4.6 线性模型 4.7 基于实例的学习 4.8 聚类 4.9 补充读物 第5章 可信度:评估机器学习结果 5.1 训练和测试 5.2 预测性能 5.3 交叉验证 5.4 其他估计法 5.5 可信度:评估机器学习结果 5.6 预测概率 5.7 计算成本 5.8 评估数值预测 5.9 最短描述长度原理 5.10 聚类方法中应用MDL原理 5.1l 补充读物 第6章 实现:真正的机器学习方案 …… 第7章 转换:处理输入和输出 第8章 继续扩展和应用 第9章 Weka简介 第10章 Explorer界面 第1l章 Knowledge Flow界面 第12章 Experimenter界面 第13章 命令行界面 第14章 嵌入式机器学习 第15章 编写新学习方案 参考文献 索引

  • Information Theory, Inference, and Learning Algorithms(信息论、推理与学习算法)

    Information theory and inference, taught together in this exciting textbook, lie at the heart of many important areas of modern technology - communication, signal processing, data mining, machine learning, pattern recognition, computational neuroscience, bioinformatics and cryptography. The book introduces theory in tandem with applications. Information theory is taught alongside practical communication systems such as arithmetic coding for data compression and sparse-graph codes for error-correction. Inference techniques, including message-passing algorithms, Monte Carlo methods and variational approximations, are developed alongside applications to clustering, convolutional codes, independent component analysis, and neural networks. Uniquely, the book covers state-of-the-art error-correcting codes, including low-density-parity-check codes, turbo codes, and digital fountain codes - the twenty-first-century standards for satellite communications, disk drives, and data broadcast. Richly illustrated, filled with worked examples and over 400 exercises, some with detailed solutions, the book is ideal for self-learning, and for undergraduate or graduate courses. It also provides an unparalleled entry point for professionals in areas as diverse as computational biology, financial engineering and machine learning.

  • 信息论、推理与学习算法 翻译版

    第1章 信息论导论 第2章 概率、熵与推理 第3章 有关推理的更多内容 第一部分 数据压缩 第4章 信源编码定理 第5章 符号码 第6章 符号流码 第7章 整数的码 第二部分 噪声信道编码 第8章 相关随机变量 第9章 噪声信道上的通信 第10章 噪声信道编码定理 第11章 纠错码与实际信道 第三部分 信息论中的更多专题 第12章 散列码:用于有效信息检索的码 第13章 二进制码 第14章 存在很好的线性码 第15章 有关信息论的更多习题 第16章 消息传递 第17章 受限无噪信道上的通信 第18章 纵横字谜与密码破译 第19章 为何有性?信息获取与进化 第四部分 概率与推理 第20章 一个推理任务示例:聚类 第2l章 基于完全枚举的精确推理 第22章 最大似然与聚类 第23章 有用的概率分布 第24章 精确边缘化 第25章 网格中的精确边缘化 第26章 图中的精确边缘化 第27章 拉普拉斯方法 第28章 模型比较与奥卡姆剃刀原理 第29章 蒙特卡罗方法 第30章 有效的蒙特卡罗方法 第31章 伊辛模型 第32章 精确蒙特卡罗采样 第33章 变参法 第34章 独立元素分析与隐含变量建模 第35章 有关随机推理的专题 第36章 决策论 第37章 贝叶斯推理与抽样理论 第五部分 神经网络 第38章 神经网络引言 第39章 单神经元分类器 第40章 单神经元的容量 第41章 以学习作推理 第42章 HopfieId网络 第43章 玻耳兹曼机 第44章 多层网络的有监督学习 第45章 高斯过程 第46章 反卷积 第六部分 稀疏图码 第47章 低密度奇偶校验码 第48章 卷积码与Turbo码 第49章 重复累加码 第50章 数字喷泉码 第七部分 附录 附录A 记号 附录B 一些物理知识 附录C 一些数学知识 英汉词汇表 参考文献

  • 分享王者

  • 新人勋章

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