• Computer Animation Algorithms and Techniques, Third Edition (PDF)

    This book surveys computer algorithms and programming techniques for specifying and generating motion for graphical objects, that is, computer animation. It is primarily concerned with three-dimensional (3D) computer animation. The main audience is advanced undergraduate or beginning graduate students in Computer Science. Computer graphics programmers who want to learn the basics of computer animation programming and artists who use software packages to generate computer animation (digital animators) who want to better understand the underlying computational issues of animation software will also benefit from this book.

  • Understanding Cryptography (2010)

    Cryptography is now ubiquitous – moving beyond the traditional environments, such as government communications and banking systems, we see cryptographic techniques realized in Web browsers, e-mail programs, cell phones, manufacturing systems, embedded software, smart buildings, cars, and even medical implants. Today's designers need a comprehensive understanding of applied cryptography. After an introduction to cryptography and data security, the authors explain the main techniques in modern cryptography, with chapters addressing stream ciphers, the Data Encryption Standard (DES) and 3DES, the Advanced Encryption Standard (AES), block ciphers, the RSA cryptosystem, public-key cryptosystems based on the discrete logarithm problem, elliptic-curve cryptography (ECC), digital signatures, hash functions, Message Authentication Codes (MACs), and methods for key establishment, including certificates and public-key infrastructure (PKI). Throughout the book, the authors focus on communicating the essentials and keeping the mathematics to a minimum, and they move quickly from explaining the foundations to describing practical implementations, including recent topics such as lightweight ciphers for RFIDs and mobile devices, and current key-length recommendations. The authors have considerable experience teaching applied cryptography to engineering and computer science students and to professionals, and they make extensive use of examples, problems, and chapter reviews, while the book’s website offers slides, projects and links to further resources. This is a suitable textbook for graduate and advanced undergraduate courses and also for self-study by engineers.

  • Trustworthy Compilers.pdf

    This book presented to the readers is my second book published by John Wiley & Sons publishing company — thanks for such a wonderful opportunity to publish! My fi rst Wiley book [1] issued in 2008 covers aspect - oriented programming and its use for trustworthy software development. First, let me explain the allegorical meaning of the picture on the front cover of the book — a view of a rostral column , an architectural monument at the center of St. Petersburg in Neva embankment, designed by Jean - Francois Thomas de Thomon in 1810. When accompanying a compiler development team from Sun around St. Petersburg in 1994, I realized and told my guests that the rostral columns can be considered an allegory of modern compiler architecture. The foundation ( pillar ) of the column symbolizes trustworthy common back - end of a family of compilers for some platform (e.g., Scalable Processor ARChitecture [SPARC ]), and the rostra relying on the column (according to ancient tradition, the rostra should be front parts of the defeated enemy ’ s ships) depicts compiler front - ends — FORTRAN, C, Pascal, Modula, and so on, developed for that hardware platform. This trustworthy compilers book is the result of many years of my professional experience of research and commercial projects in the compiler development fi eld. I was as fortunate as to work with great people and companies on compiler development: in the 1970s to 1980s — with my Russian colleagues on developing compilers for the Russian “ Elbrus ” [2] supercomputers; in the 1990s — with Sun Microsystems on developing Sun compilers; and since 2003 — with Microsoft on its Phoenix [3] technology for compiler development. The results of these collaborations are presented in my book.

  • C Compilers for ASIPs Automatic Compiler Generation with LISA

    This book is based on my PhD thesis performed at the chair for Software for Systems on Silicon (SSS) at the RWTH-Aachen University. It documents the results of more than 5 years of work during which I have been accompanied and supported by many people. It is now my great pleasure to take this opportunity to thank them. First and foremost, I would like to thank my PhD advisor Professor Rainer Leupers for providing me with the opportunity to work in his group, and for his important advice and constant encouragement throughout the course of my research. He always left me a lot of freedom and contributed much to an enjoyable and productive working atmosphere. I am also thankful to Professor Gerd Ascheid and Professor Heinrich Meyr. Their comments often unveiled new interesting aspects and perspectives. I want to thank all of them for the lessons they gave me on the importance of details for the success of an engineering or scientific project. It has been a distinct privilege for me to work with them. Also I would like to thank Professor Sabine Glesner for her interest in my work and for her commitment as a secondary advisor. There are a number of people in my everyday circle of colleagues who have enriched my professional life in various ways. I am particularly indebted to my colleagues Oliver Wahlen, Jiangjiang Ceng, and Gunnar Braun, who worked together with me on the Compiler Designer project. Without their contributions, their support, and the inspiring working atmosphere, this work would have been impossible. I am also indebted to Felix Engel for many stimulating discussions and the excellent cooperation in the SIMD project. Life would be bleak without all the nice and funny moments I had with my co-students during all these years. I thank all of them.

  • Engineering a Compiler, 2nd Edition

    The practice of compiler construction changes continually, in part because the designs of processors and systems change. For example, when we began to write Engineering a Compiler (eac) in 1998, some of our colleagues questioned the wisdom of including a chapter on instruction scheduling because out-of-order execution threatened to make scheduling largely irrelevant. Today, as the second edition goes to press, the rise of multicore processors and the push for more cores has made in-order execution pipelines attractive again because their smaller footprints allow the designer to place more cores on a chip. Instruction scheduling will remain important for the near-term future. At the same time, the compiler construction community continues to develop new insights and algorithms, and to rediscover older techniques that were effective but largely forgotten. Recent research has created excitement surrounding the use of chordal graphs in register allocation (see Section 13.5.2). That work promises to simplify some aspects of graph-coloring allocators. Brzozowski’s algorithm is a dfa minimization technique that dates to the early 1960s but has not been taught in compiler courses for decades (see Section 2.6.2). It provides an easy path from an implementation of the subset construction to one that minimizes dfas. A modern course in compiler construction might include both of these ideas. How, then, are we to structure a curriculum in compiler construction so that it prepares students to enter this ever changing field? We believe that the course should provide each student with the set of base skills that they will need to build new compiler components and to modify existing ones. Students need to understand both sweeping concepts, such as the collaboration between the compiler, linker, loader, and operating system embodied in a linkage convention, and minute detail, such as how the compiler writer might reduce the aggregate code space used by the register-save code at each procedure call.

  • Algebra and Trigonometry, 3ed

    For many students an Algebra and Trigonometry course represents the first opportunity to discover the beauty and practical power of mathematics. Thus instructors are faced with the challenge of teaching the concepts and skills of the subject while at the same time imparting an appreciation for its effectiveness in modeling the real world. This book aims to help instructors meet this challenge. In writing this Third Edition, our purpose is to further enhance the usefulness of the book as an instructional tool for teachers and as a learning tool for students. There are several major changes in this edition including a restructuring of each exercise set to better align the exercises with the examples of each section. In this edition each exercise set begins with Concepts Exercises, which encourage students to work with basic concepts and to use mathematical vocabulary appropriately. Several chapters have been reorganized and rewritten (as described below) to further focus the exposition on the main concepts; we have added a new chapter on vectors in two and three dimensions. In all these changes and numerous others (small and large) we have retained the main features that have contributed to the success of this book

  • Perspectives on Projective Geometry

    Geometry is the mathematical discipline that deals with the interrelations of objects in the plane, in space, or even in higher dimensions. Practicing geometry comes in very different flavors. More than any other mathematical discipline, the field of geometry ranges from the very concrete and visual to the very abstract and fundamental. In the one extreme, geometry deals with very concrete objects such as points, lines, circles, and planes and studies the interrelations between them. On the other side, geometry is a benchmark for logical rigor, the elegance of axiom systems, and logical chains of proof. There is a third way of thinking about geometry that stands alongside the visual and the logic-based approaches: the algebraic treatment. Here algebraic structures such as vectors, matrices, and equations are used to form a kind of parallel world, in which each geometric object and relation has an algebraic manifestation. In this parallel world, too, the considerations may be very concrete and algorithmic or very abstract and functorial.

  • Discrete and Computational Geometry

    Although geometry is as old as mathematics itself, discrete geometry only fully emerged in the twentieth century, and computational geometry was only christened in the late 1970s. The terms “discrete” and “computational” fit well together, as the geometry must be discretized in preparation for computations. “Discrete” here means concentration on finite sets of points, lines, triangles, and other geometric objects, and is used to contrast with “continuous” geometry, for example, smooth surfaces. Although the two endeavors were growing naturally on their own, it has been the interaction between discrete and computational geometry that has generated the most excitement, with each advance in one field spurring an advance in the other. The interaction also draws upon two traditions: theoretical pursuits in pure mathematics and applicationsdriven directions often arising in computer science. The confluence has made the topic an ideal bridge between mathematics and computer science. It is precisely to bridge that gap that we have written this book.

  • Foundations of Geometry, 2nd Edition.

    This is a textbook for an undergraduate course in axiomatic geometry. The text is targeted at mathematics students who have completed the calculus sequence and perhaps a first course in linear algebra, but who have not yet encountered such upper-level mathematics courses as real analysis and abstract algebra. A course based on this book will enrich the education of all mathematics majors and will ease their transition into more advanced mathematics courses. The book also includes emphases that make it especially appropriate as the textbook for a geometry course taken by future high school mathematics teachers.

  • Gems of Geometry

    This book is based on lectures given several times at Reading University in England at their School of Continuing Education, from about 2002. One might wonder why I gave these lectures. I had been attending a few lectures on diverse subjects such as Music, Latin and Greek and my wife suggested that perhaps I should give some lectures myself. I was somewhat taken aback by this but then realised that I did have some useful material lying around that would make a starting point. When I was a boy (a long time ago) I much enjoyed reading books such as Mathematical Snapshots by Steinhaus and Mathematical Recreations and Essays by Rouse Ball. Moreover, I had made a few models such as the minimal set of squares that fit together to make a rectangle, some sets of Chinese Rings, and 31 coloured cubes and these items were still around. This starting point was much enhanced by some models that my daughter Janet had made when at school. A junior class had been instructed to make some models for an open day but had made a mess instead. Janet (then in the sixth form) was asked to save the day. Thus I also had available models of many regular figures including the Poinsot- Kepler figures and the compound of five tetrahedra and that of five cubes.

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