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Effective C#:改善C#代码的50个有效方法(原书第3版)

作者:Bill Wagner



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Effective Java, 3rd Edition-Addison-Wesley(2017).epub 评分:

IN 1997, when Java was new, James Gosling (the father of Java), described it as a “blue collar language” that was “pretty simple” [Gosling97]. At about the same time, Bjarne Stroustrup (the father of C++) described C++ as a “multi-paradigm language” that “deliberately differs from languages designed to support a single way of writing programs” [Stroustrup95]. Stroustrup warned: Much of the relative simplicity of Java is—like for most new languages—partly an illusion and partly a function of its incompleteness. As time passes, Java will grow significantly in size and complexity. It will double or triple in size and grow implementation-dependent extensions or libraries. [Stroustrup] Now, twenty years later, it’s fair to say that Gosling and Stroustrup were both right. Java is now large and complex, with multiple abstractions for many things, from parallel execution, to iteration, to the representation of dates and times. I still like Java, though my ardor has cooled a bit as the platform has grown. Given its increased size and complexity, the need for an up-to-date best-practices guide is all the more critical. With this third edition of Effective Java, I did my best to provide you with one. I hope this edition continues to satisfy the need, while staying true to the spirit of the first two editions. Small is beautiful, but simple ain’t easy.

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